Thursday, August 30, 2012

耶稣是被造的吗?-- 奥古斯丁

2011-9-12 21:01


Big 2011-9-15 22:47
* 论信望爱 (奥古斯丁)- 38章

chapter 38 

Is it that He (HS) made Him (JC), 
        since our Lord Jesus Christ, 
                though as God all things were made by Him, 
                yet as man was Himself made; 
                as the apostle says, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh? 

        But as that created thing 
                which the Virgin conceived and brought forth 
                though it was united only to the person of the Son, 
        was made by the whole Trinity 
                (for the works of the Trinity are not separable), 
why should the Holy Spirit alone be mentioned as having made it? 
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-15 23:11
* 奥古斯丁 - 讲道文
--Sermons on the New Testament (Augustine)
--Sermon 31 on the New Testament

--6. ... Since then they are men, and the sons of men, if they are not the children of the Most High, they are liars, for, all men are liars. If they are the sons of God, if they have been redeemed by the Saviour's grace, if purchased with His precious Blood, if born again of water and of the Spirit, if predestinated to the inheritance of heaven, then indeed are they children of God . And so thereby are gods. What then would a lie have to do with you? ...
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-15 23:23
* 区利罗

《Cyril of Alexadria》written by Norman Russell, 
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-15 23:53
* 论信望爱 (奥古斯丁)- 38章

The Handbook on Faith, Hope and Love

Chapter 38. Jesus Christ, According to the Flesh, Was Not Born of the Holy Spirit in Such a Sense that the Holy Spirit is His Father.

Nevertheless, are we on this account to say 
        that the Holy Ghost is the father of the man Christ, 
        and that as God the Father begot the Word, 
                so God the Holy Spirit begot the man, 
        and that these two natures constitute the one Christ; 
        and that as the Word He is the Son of God the Father, 
        and as man [He is] the Son of God the Holy Spirit, 
                because the Holy Spirit as His father begot Him of the Virgin Mary? 

Who will dare to say so? 
Nor is it necessary to show by reasoning how many other absurdities flow from this supposition, 
        when it is itself so absurd that no believer's ears can bear to hear it. 
Hence, as we confess, Our Lord Jesus Christ, 
        who of God is God, 
                and as man was born of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, 
        having both natures, the divine and the human, 
is the only Son of God the Father Almighty, from whom proceeds the Holy Spirit. 

Now in what sense do we say that Christ was born of the Holy Spirit, 
        if the Holy Spirit did not beget Him? 

Is it that He (HS) made Him (JC), 
since our Lord Jesus Christ, 
        though as God all things were made by Him, 
yet as man was Himself made; 
        as the apostle says, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh? 
But as that created thing 
        which the Virgin conceived and brought forth 
        though it was united only to the person of the Son, 
was made by the whole Trinity 
        (for the works of the Trinity are not separable), 
why should the Holy Spirit alone be mentioned as having made it? 

Or is it that, when one of the Three is mentioned as the author of any work, 
the whole Trinity is to be understood as working? 
That is true, and can be proved by examples. 
But we need not dwell longer on this solution. 
For the puzzle is, in what sense it is said, born of the Holy Ghost, 
        when He is in no sense the Son of the Holy Ghost? 
For though God made this world, 
        it would not be right to say that it is the Son of God, 
        or that it was born of God; 
we would say that it was created, or made, or framed, or ordered by Him, or whatever form of expression we can properly use. 

Here, then, when we make confession that Christ was born of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, 
it is difficult to explain how it is that He is not the Son of the Holy Ghost and is the Son of the Virgin Mary, 
when He was born both of Him and of her. 
It is clear beyond a doubt that He was not born of the Holy Spirit as His father, 
in the same sense that He was born of the Virgin as His mother.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-15 23:55
* 论信望爱 (奥古斯丁)- 38章 - 拉丁文原文。

12. 38. Numquid tamen ideo dicturi sumus patrem hominis Christi esse Spiritum Sanctum, ut Deus Pater Verbum genuerit, Spiritus Sanctus hominem, ex qua utraque substantia Christus unus esset, et Dei Patris filius secundum Verbum et Spiritus Sancti filius secundum hominem, quod eum Spiritus Sanctus tamquam pater eius de matre virgine genuisset? Quis hoc dicere audebit? Nec opus est ostendere disputando quanta alia sequantur absurda, cum hoc ipsum iam ita sit absurdum ut nullae fideles aures id valeant sustinere. Proinde sicut confitemur, Dominus noster Iesus Christus, qui de Deo Deus, homo autem natus est de Spiritu Sancto et de virgine Maria, utraque substantia, divina scilicet atque humana, Filius est unicus Dei Patris omnipotentis, de quo procedit Spiritus Sanctus. Quomodo ergo dicimus Christum natum de Spiritu Sancto, si non eum genuit Spiritus Sanctus? An quia fecit eum? Quoniam Dominus noster Iesus Christus in quantum Deus est, omnia per ipsum facta sunt 81; in quantum autem homo est, et ipse factus est , sicut Apostolus dicit: Factus est ex semine David secundum carnem 82. Sed cum illam creaturam quam virgo concepit et peperit, quamvis ad solam personam Filii pertinentem, tota Trinitas fecerit; neque enim separabilia sunt opera Trinitatis; cur in ea facienda solus Spiritus Sanctus nominatus est? An et quando unus trium in aliquo opere nominatur, universa operari Trinitas intellegitur? Ita vero est, et exemplis doceri potest. Sed non est in hoc diutius immorandum. Illud enim movet, quomodo dictum sit: Natus de Spiritu Sancto 83, cum filius nullo modo sit Spiritus Sancti. Neque enim quia mundum istum fecit Deus, eum fas est dici filium, aut eum natum de Deo; sed factum vel creatum vel conditum vel institutum ab illo, vel si quid huiusmodi recte possumus dicere. Hic ergo, cum confiteamur natum de Spiritu Sancto et Virgine Maria, quomodo non sit filius Spiritus Sancti et sit filius Virginis Mariae cum et de illo et de illa sit natus, explicare difficile est; procul dubio quippe non sic de illo ut de patre, sic autem de illa ut de matre natus est.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-16 00:02
* 三位一体论 - 奥古斯丁着
三位一体论 - 奥古斯丁着



祂之取了奴仆的形像 ,并不使祂失去那使祂与父同等的上帝之形像。
倘若 祂取了奴仆的形像 ,而并不是使祂失去上帝的形像,因为祂自己在奴仆的形像里和在上帝的形像里同是父上帝的独生子,在上帝的形像里是与父同等,在奴仆的形像里是神人间的中保,即为人的基督耶稣;
“他本有上帝的形像,不以自己与上帝同等为强夺的;反倒虚己, 取了奴仆的形像 ,成为人的样式;并有人的样子”(腓2:7)。
所以,既然 上帝的形像取了奴仆的形像 ,所以祂是二者,是上帝也是人:是上帝,乃是由于上帝去取;也是人,乃是由于人被取。


这段经文 使人不得把基督所取人的样子看为在后来变成了神性 ,或(说得更确切些)变成了不是受造者,而是合一的三位一体神——一种无形的,不变的,合质的,与本身同永恒的本性。
即宛如是说:那时, 人子自己和上帝的道所取的人性,也要变成那叫万物服祂的上帝的本性 ,那么他们就也必须设想这将在审判日后,即当“祂将国交与父上帝”时,才实现出来。
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-16 00:03
* On the Trinity (Book I)
On the Trinity (Book I)

Chapter 7.— In What Manner the Son is Less Than the Father, and Than Himself.

14. In these and like testimonies of the divine Scriptures, by free use of which, as I have said, our predecessors exploded such sophistries or errors of the heretics, the unity and equality of the Trinity are intimated to our faith. But because, on account of the incarnation of the Word of God for the working out of our salvation, that the man Christ Jesus might be the Mediator between God and men, many things are so said in the sacred books as to signify, or even most expressly declare, the Father to be greater than the Son; men have erred through a want of careful examination or consideration of the whole tenor of the Scriptures, and have endeavored to transfer those things which are said of Jesus Christ according to the flesh, to that substance of His which was eternal before the incarnation, and is eternal. They say, for instance, that the Son is less than the Father, because it is written that the Lord Himself said, My Father is greater than I. But the truth shows that after the same sense the Son is less also than Himself; for how was He not made less also than Himself, who emptied Himself, and took upon Him the form of a servant? For He did not so take the form of a servant as that He should lose the form of God, in which He was equal to the Father. If, then, the form of a servant was so taken that the form of God was not lost, since both in the form of a servant and in the form of God He Himself is the same only-begotten Son of God the Father, in the form of God equal to the Father, in the form of a servant the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; is there any one who cannot perceive that He Himself in the form of God is also greater than Himself, but yet likewise in the form of a servant less than Himself? And not, therefore, without cause the Scripture says both the one and the other, both that the Son is equal to the Father, and that the Father is greater than the Son. For there is no confusion when the former is understood as on account of the form of God, and the latter as on account of the form of a servant. And, in truth, this rule for clearing the question through all the sacred Scriptures is set forth in one chapter of an epistle of the Apostle Paul, where this distinction is commended to us plainly enough. For he says, Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but emptied Himself, and took upon Him the form of a servant , and was made in the likeness of men: and was found in fashion as a man. The Son of God, then, is equal to God the Father in nature, but less in fashion. For in the form of a servant which He took He is less than the Father; but in the form of God, in which also He was before He took the form of a servant, He is equal to the Father. In the form of God He is the Word, by whom all things are made; but in the form of a servant He was made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law. In like manner, in the form of God He made man; in the form of a servant He was made man. For if the Father alone had made man without the Son, it would not have been written, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Therefore, because the form of God took the form of a servant , both is God and both is man; but both God, on account of God who takes; and both man, on account of man who is taken. For neither by that taking is the one of them turned and changed into the other: the Divinity is not changed into the creature, so as to cease to be Divinity; nor the creature into Divinity, so as to cease to be creature.

Chapter 8.— The Texts of Scripture Explained Respecting the Subjection of the Son to the Father, Which Have Been Misunderstood. Christ Will Not So Give Up the Kingdom to the Father, as to Take It Away from Himself. The Beholding Him is the Promised End of All Actions. The Holy Spirit is Sufficient to Our Blessedness Equally with the Father.

15. As for that which the apostle says, And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him: 
either the text has been so turned, 
lest any one should think that the fashion of Christ, which He took according to the human creature, was to be transformed hereafter into the Divinity 
or (to express it more precisely) the Godhead itself, who is not a creature, but is the unity of the Trinity,— a nature incorporeal, and unchangeable, and consubstantial, and co-eternal with itself; 
or if any one contends, as some have thought, that the text, Then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, is so turned 
in order that one may believe that very subjection to be a change and conversion hereafter of the creature into the substance or essence itself of the Creator, 
that is, that that which had been the substance of a creature shall become the substance of the Creator;
— such an one at any rate admits this, of which in truth there is no possible doubt, that this had not yet taken place, when the Lord said, My Father is greater than I. 
For He said this not only before He ascended into heaven, but also before He had suffered, and had risen from the dead. 

But they who think that the human nature in Him is to be changed and converted into the substance of the Godhead, and that it was so said, Then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him,
— as if to say, Then also the Son of man Himself, and the human nature taken by the Word of God, shall be changed into the nature of Him who put all things under Him —must also think that this will then take place, when, after the day of judgment, He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father. And hence even still, according to this opinion, the Father is greater than that form of a servant which was taken of the Virgin. But if some affirm even further, that the man Christ Jesus has already been changed into the substance of God, at least they cannot deny that the human nature still remained, 
when He said before His passion, For my Father is greater than I; whence there is no question that it was said in this sense, that the Father is greater than the form of a servant, to whom in the form of God the Son is equal. Nor let any one, hearing what the apostle says, 
But when He says all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted which did put all things under Him, think the words, that He has put all things under the Son, to be so understood of the Father, as that He should not think that the Son Himself put all things under Himself. 
For this the apostle plainly declares, when he says to the Philippians, For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself. 
For the working of the Father and of the Son is indivisible. 
Otherwise, neither has the Father Himself put all things under Himself, but the Son has put all things under Him, who delivers the kingdom to Him, and puts down all rule and all authority and power. 
For these words are spoken of the Son: 
When He shall have delivered up, says the apostle, the kingdom to God, 
even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and all power. 
For the same that puts down, also makes subject.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-27 14:14
* 特土良 Tertullian

> 事实上,钱耀诚和黄士哲牧师并不是第一个发明这种基督论异端的人。早在2世纪,特土良在面对诺斯底主义瓦伦天奴派的基督论异端时,在他的《基督的肉體(On the Flesh of Christ)》中就明确说到:

> For, as I have read in some writer of Valentinus' wretched faction,(18) they refuse at the outset to believe that a human and earthly substance was created (19) for Christ, lest the Lord should be regarded as inferior to the angels, who are not formed of earthly flesh; / 当我读到瓦伦天奴(Valentinus)的荒诞小说时,他们为了避免主不被人認為比天使微小,而天使不是由属地的血肉所造的,就此拒绝相信基督的人性和属地的本质是 被造的 )
: XV nam, ut penes quendam ex
Valentini factiuncula legi, primo non putant terrenamet humanam
Christo substantiam informatam ne deterior angelis dominus deprehendatur qui non terrenae carnis extiterunt, dehinc quod
oporteret similem nostrae carnem similiter nasci, non de spiritu
nec de deo, sed ex viri voluntate.
: 15 For, as I
have read in the works of one of Valentinus' faction, in the first
place they refuse to admit that terrestrial and human substance
was brought into shape for Christ, lest the Lord should turn out to be of less worth than the angels, who do not consist of terrestrial 
flesh: and secondly, because flesh like ours would have needed
to be born like us, not of the Spirit, nor of God, but of the will of a
: Chapter XV. For, as I have read in some writer of Valentinus' wretched faction,220 they refuse at the outset to believe that a human and earthly substance was created 221 for Christ, lest the Lord should be regarded as inferior to the angels, who are not formed of earthly flesh; whence, too, it would be necessary that, if His flesh were like ours, it should be similarly born, not of the Spirit, nor of God, but of the will of man. 
: 221 Informatam.
:          VPAR   1 1 ACC S F PERF PASSIVE PPL
informo, informare, informavi, informatus  V (1st)   [XXXDX]    lesser
shape, form; fashion ; form an idea of;
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-27 14:30

唐崇荣 基督论 十 问题解答

13. 主耶稣既是完全的神,又是完全的人;道成肉身,神性穿上人性。可见主耶稣有分于受造的人性,甚至祂复活的肉身也是会朽坏的。若因此下结论:主耶稣不但是创造者,也是受造的,有分于受造的,这样的结论有没有问题?

答:大有问题!耶稣是[创造者]。如果祂的身体是[被造的],那么祂整个身体是自己造的,祂进去祂自己造的里面;那祂到底有分于受造的部份,或是受造的部份有分于祂呢?你把它巅倒过来了! 是[道成肉身],不是道进到被造肉身之中,是[道成肉身] ;换句话说,道经过一个过程以后,就在肉身中间显现。圣经从来没有提到,耶稣有受造的一部份,这个是亚流的异端、是诺斯底主义的异端、是李常受的异端来毒害教会。耶稣基督里面没有受造的一部份,祂是创造者,祂是配受敬拜和永恒歌颂的。罗马书九章5节:[列祖就是他们的祖宗,按肉体说,基督也是从他们出来的;祂是在万有之上,永远可称颂的上帝。阿们。]祂是永远被歌颂、领受敬拜的创造者,祂不是被造的。至于启示录三章14节所提到的:[你要写信给老底嘉教会的使者,说:那为阿们的,为诚信真实见证的,在上帝创造万物之上为元首的说。]那一位在创造界中为元首的,有的人用希腊文把它翻译为[在创造中间最先的],或"The first created one",或"The first born of the creatures"。我们应当怎样翻译才合乎全本圣经的思想呢?在被造中间成为阿拉法的、最原先的、做领导的、做领袖的、首先的那一位,祂是阿拉法、俄梅戛。 所以耶稣基督不是受造的 ,在基督的位格里面,没有受造的成份;连祂的人性、肉身中间,还是神自已以祂无穷的大能在肉身的范围中间向人显现,祂才是我们的救主。
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-27 21:21
* 爱任纽--反异端--第五部第一章一节、三节
2. “如果祂只是一个幻影,祂就不曾从马利亚承受肉体,像我们已证明的一样。因为除非祂在自己身上将亚当受造 重演, 祂就不是真具有血肉之体,来拯救我们。瓦伦提努(Valentinus)派坚持基督为幻影之说,来反对肉体的得救,乃是错了。

3.  “正如神当初造人时,将气吹入受造的人里面,他便成了有生命,有理性的人;照样在这末世,祂 被造成为 一个有生命而完全的人,能够承受完全的父,这是由于父的道和神的灵与亚当受造的体质结合起来……” ) )
1. We — who were but lately created by the only best and good Being, by Him also who has the gift of immortality, having been formed after His likeness (predestinated, according to the prescience of the Father, that we, who had as yet no existence, might come into being), and made the first-fruits of creation — have received, 

Since the Lord thus has redeemed us through His own blood, giving His soul for our souls, and His flesh for our flesh, and has also poured out the Spirit of the Father for the union and communion of God and man, imparting indeed God to men by means of the Spirit, and, on the other hand, attaching man to God by His own incarnation, and bestowing upon us at His coming immortality durably and truly, by means of communion with God—all the doctrines of the heretics fall to ruin.

2. And I have proved already, that it is the same thing to say that He appeared merely to outward seeming, and [to affirm] that He received nothing from Mary. For He would not have been one truly possessing flesh and blood, by which He redeemed us, unless He had summed up in Himself the ancient formation of Adam 

3. so also, in [the times of] the end, the Word of the Father and the Spirit of God, having become united with the ancient substance of Adam's formation, rendered man living and perfect, receptive of the perfect Father, in order that as in the natural [Adam] we all were dead, so in the spiritual we may all be made alive.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-27 22:22

: Sancti Irenaei, episcopi Lugdunensis, Libros quinque adversus haereses
: page 314, Book V, Chapter 1, (Liber V, Cap I)

: Latin
2. Neque enim esset vere sanguinem et carnem habens, per quam nos redemit, nisi antiquam plasmationem Adae in semetipsum recapitulasset. 

: Greek (original)
2. Ουδε γαρ ην αληθως σαρκα και αιμα εσχηκως, δι ων ημας εξηγορασατο, ει μη την αρχαιαν πλασιν του Αδαμ εις εαυτοω ανεκεφαλαιωσατο.  

: ανεκεφαλαιωσατο

ἀνακεφαλαιόομαι --  to sum up the argument:  ( )

ἀνακεφαλαιόω  -- to sum up the argument:  ( ) (Rom 13:9; Eph 1:10)
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-9-27 23:19

: Sancti Irenaei, episcopi Lugdunensis, Libros quinque adversus haereses
: page 314, Book V, Chapter 1, (Liber V, Cap I)

: Latin
3. sin in fine Verbum Patris et Spiritus Dei, adunitus antiquae substantiae plasmationis Adae, viventem at perfectum effecit hominem, capientem perfectum Patrem: 

: effecit )             V      3 1 PERF ACTIVE  IND 3 S    
bring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; prove;

: adunitus )              VPAR   3 4 NOM S M PERF PASSIVE PPL
unite, combine into one;

: Greek

: Latin
1. et ab eo qui habet donationem incorruptibilitatis, in eam quae est ad eum similitudinem facti,(prae destinati quidem, ut essemus qui nondum eramus, secundum praescientiam Patris,) factiautem initium facturae

: facti )
fact.i               VPAR   3 1 NOM P M PERF PASSIVE PPL
make /build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work (metal);
produce; produce by growth; bring forth (young); create, bring into existence; 

fact.i               VPAR   3 3 NOM P M PERF PASSIVE PPL
fio, feri, factus sum  V SEMIDEP    [XXXAO]  
happen, come about; result (from); take place, be held, occur, arise (event);
be made /created/instituted/elected/appointed/given; be prepared/done; develop;

* SEMIDEP:  semi-deponent; a certain voice carries the meaning of a different voice; semi emphasizes that it happens only in a certain tense; for fio, its perfect tense makes its passive voice act as active voice.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2011-11-12 10:58
The Apostolic Father Irenaeus - Against Heresies: Book V, Chapter 1, 

1. by Him also who has the gift of immortality, having been formed after His likeness, and made the first-fruits of creation 
... imparting indeed God to men by means of the Spirit, and, on the other hand, attaching man to God by His own incarnation,
1. et ab eo qui habet donationem incorruptibilitatis, in eam quae est ad eum similitudinem facti,  facti autem initium facturae

2.  unless He had summed up in Himself the ancient formation of Adam . 
2. nisi antiquam plasmationem Adae in semetipsum recapitulasset. 
2. 因为除非祂在自己身上将亚当受造 重演, 

3. so also, in [the times of] the end, the Word of the Father and the Spirit of God, having become united with the ancient substance of Adam's formation, rendered man living and perfect, 
3. sin in fine Verbum Patris et Spiritus Dei, adunitus antiquae substantiae plasmationis Adae, viventem at perfectum effecit hominem, capientem perfectum Patrem: 
3.  照样在这末世,祂 被造成为(produce) 一个有生命而完全的人,能够承受完全的父,这是由于父的道和神的灵与亚当受造的体质结合起来……”

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