Thursday, August 30, 2012

协和信条 第八条 论基督的位格

 2011-9-13 22:08

German version, original 原稿

Die Konkordienformel.
[Erster Teil]
Summarischer Begriff der streitigen Artikel  

VIII. Von der Person Christi.

Reine Lehre der Christlichem Kirche von der Person Christi. 

 4] Solchen Streit zu erklären und nach Anleitung unsers christlichen Glaubens hinzulegen [beizulegen], ist unsere Lehre, Glaube und Bekenntnis, folgt: 

 5] 1. Das die göttliche und menschliche Natur in Christo persönlich vereinigt [sind], also daß nicht zwei Christus, einer Gottes, der andere des Menschen Sohn, sondern ein einiger [ein und derselbe] Sohn Gottes und des Menschen Sohn sei, Luk. 1; Röm. 9. 

 6] 2. Wir glauben, lehren und bekennen, daß die götliche und menschliche Natur nicht in ein Wesen vermengt, keine in die andere verwandelt [sei], sondern eine jede ihre wesentlichen Eigenschaften behalte, welche der andern Natur Eigenschaften nimmermehr werden. 

 7] 3. Die Eigenschaften göttlicher Natur sind: allmächtig, ewig, unendlich, nach Eigenschaft der Natur und ihres natürlichen Wesens, für sich selbst, allenthalben gegenwärtig sein, alles wissen usw., welche der menschlichen Natur Eigenschaften nimmermehr werden. 

 8] 4. Die Eigenschaften menschlicher Natur sind: ein leiblich Geschöpf oder Kreatur sein, Fleisch und Blut sein, endlich und umschrieben sein, leiden, sterben, auf= und niederfahren, von einem Ort zum andern sich bewegen, Hunger, Durst, Frost, Hitze leiden und dergleichen, welche der göttlichen Natur Eigenschaften nimmermehr werden. 

 ein leiblich Geschöpf oder Kreatur sein  = a physical creature/neuter or creature/feminine to-be  

Latin-English Version

{Die Concordien-Formel.)
The Formula of Concord. A.D. 1576 (1584).

The Formula of Concord was originally written in the German language, 1576, and published at Dresden, 1580. It was translated into Latin by Lucas Osiander, 1680; but the translation was very defective, ...

Art. VIII.

I. Quod divina et humana natura in Christo personaliter unitæ sint, ita prorsus, ut non sint duo Christi, unus Filius Dei, alter Filius hominis, sed ut unus et idem sit Dei et hominis Filius (Luke i. 35; Rom. ix. 5).

II. Credimus, docemus et confitemur, divinam et humanam naturas, non in unam substantiam commixtas, nec unam in alteram mutatam esse, sed utramque naturam retinere suas proprietates essentiales, ut guæ alterius naturæ proprietates fieri nequeant.

III. Proprietates divinæ naturæ sunt: esse omnipotentem, æternam., infinitam, et secundum naturæ naturalisque suæ essentiæ proprietatem, per se, ubique præsentem esse, omnia novisse, etc. Hæc omnia neque sunt, neque unquam fiunt humanæ naturæ proprietates.

IV. Humanæ autem naturæ proprietates sunt: corpoream esse creaturam, constare came et sanguine, esse finitam et circumscriptam, pati, mori, ascendere, descendere, de loco ad locum moveri, esurire, sitire, algere, æstu affligi, et si quæ sunt similia. Hæc neque sunt, neque unquam fiunt proprietates divinæ naturæ.
Art. VIII.

I. That the divine and the human nature in Christ are personally united, and so completely that there are not two Christs—one the Son of God, the other the Son of man—but that one and the same is Son of God and Son of Man (Luke i. 35; Rom.ix.5).

II. We believe, teach, and confess that the divine and human natures are not mingled into one substance, nor one changed into the other, but that each nature retains its own essential attributes, as being such as can not become the attributes of the other nature.

III. The attributes of the divine nature are: To be omnipotent, eternal, infinite, and, by attribute of nature and of its natural essence, to be every where present, to know all things, etc. All these things neither are nor ever become the attributes of the human nature.

IV. The attributes of the human nature are: To be a corporeal creature, to consist of flesh and blood, to be finite and circumscribed, to suffer, to die, to ascend, to descend, to move from place to place, to hunger, to thirst, to suffer with cold, to be overcome by heat, and the like. These neither are nor ever become attributes of the divine nature.

 corpoream esse creaturam = physical to-be creature = to be a physical creature 

English Version

Epitome of the Formula of Concord

VIII. The Person of Christ.

Affirmative Theses. 
Pure Doctrine of the Christian Church concerning the Person of Christ.
4] To explain this controversy, and settle it according to the guidance [analogy] of our Christian faith, our doctrine, faith, and confession is as follows:
5] 1. That the divine and human natures in Christ are personally united, so that there are not two Christs, one the Son of God, the other the Son of man, but that one and the same is the Son of God and Son of man, Luke 1:35Rom. 9:5.
6] 2. We believe, teach, and confess that the divine and human natures are not mingled into one substance, nor the one changed into the other, but that each retains its own essential properties, which [can] never become the properties of the other nature.
7] 3. The properties of the divine nature are: to be almighty, eternal, infinite, and to be, according to the property of its nature and its natural essence, of itself, everywhere present, to know everything, etc.; which never become properties of the human nature.
8] 4. The properties of the human nature are: to be a corporeal creature, to be flesh and blood, to be finite and circumscribed, to suffer, to die, to ascend and descend, to move from one place to another, to suffer hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and the like; which never become properties of the divine nature.


Big 2011-12-3 01:03
> 协和信条第八条论及基督的位格,说:『三 神性的属性乃是:全能,永恒,无限,并因其本性和本质,无所不在,无所不知等等。这些属性既不是,也永不成为人性的属性。四 人性的属性乃是:受造有躯体 (肉身受造物 corporeal creature) ,有血肉,有限量,有苦和死,能升降,能移动,受饥渴,历寒暑等等。这些属性既不是,也永不成为神性的属性。』[1]
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2012-1-21 22:29
.4. 受造(物)有躯体 -- 英文:To be a corporeal creature -- 拉丁文:corpoream esse creaturam -- 德文:ein leiblich Geschöpf oder Kreatur sein 

to be a corporeal creature
to be a corporeal creature
to be a corporeal creature
to be a corporeal creature

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