Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Big's Doctrines, 2006

2012-3-13 06:46

教會論, 2006-06-09  

  •         教會是耶穌基督的身體(弗 1:23; 西 1:24)﹐是神的殿(林前 6:19; 弗 2:21-22)﹐是聖靈居住的地方(林前 6:19; 弗 2:22)。教會的目的是要使人成為耶穌的門徒(太 28:19-20)﹐一起過關懷﹑教導(順服神)(傳福音)﹑和敬拜(親近神)(感謝又敬畏)的生活(太 4:23; 徒 2:42)。洗禮是象徵信徒與基督同死同生(羅 6:4-5)。守聖餐是紀念基督寶血的救贖(林前 11:24-26)。教會有權柄來訓誡和隔離偏離主道的信徒(太 18:17-20)。
  •         服事的基礎是分享異象(徒 14:27)以及分工合作(林前 3:6)。傳福音的基礎是關懷式的見證(太 5:16; 約 13:35)。
  •         禁食是認罪(賽 58:5-7; 但 9:3-4)。禱告是凡事順服(賽 58:2; 太 6:10)﹑凡事聖潔(太 6:13; 羅 12:1-2)﹑凡事感謝(弗 5:20; 西 3:17)。

1 paragragh, 2005 spring; 2006-06-08 rev.  

  •         I believe that man cannot save himself from sin (Rom. 3:12), but the death of Christ Jesus can save man from the wrath of God (Rom. 5:10).  The church is to make disciples of Christ (Matt. 28:19-20) for caring, teaching and worship (Acts 2:42) through vision sharing (Acts 14:27) and teamwork (1 Cor. 3:6).
  •         I believe that the Bible reveals God’s salvation plan in Christ (Luke 24:44; John 5:39).  God created the universe and all things (Gen. 1).  Christ Jesus died for the sins of man (Rom. 5:6; 1 Pet. 3:18) and was risen as prophesied (Luke 24:6-7; 1 Cor. 15:20).  The Holy Spirit gives the spiritual gifts to the believers to edify the church (Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:4).  Satan tries to tempt man to disobey God (Rev. 12:9).  Man is totally corrupted and cannot save himself from sin (Rom. 3:10).  Sinners can be justified through faith in Christ (Rom. 3:28).  Believers should live a sanctified life (1 Thess. 4:7) and be the witness of Christ (Acts 1:8).  At the end of this age God will punish the unbelievers over the earth (Rev. 6-19), and Christ will judge the living and the dead who will be risen again for their judgment (Rev. 20:13-14; 21:8).

1 page 2005, spring; 2006-06-08 rev.  

  •         I believe that the Bible is written verbally and plenarily (John 10:35); only through the Bible man may know God’s salvation (Luke 24:44; John 5:39).  The Bible also contains faith and living regulations of believers (1 Tim. 3:16).
  •         I believe that the God created the universe and all things (Gen. 1).  God is omnipotent (Gen. 18:14), righteous (Is. 45:21), merciful (Ex. 34:6-7; 1 John 4:8, 16), and omniscient (1 John 3:10).  God is one being (Deut. 6:4) but three independent and co-equal persons: Father, Son, and Spirit (Matt. 28:19).
  •         I believe that Christ Jesus is both the true God (Phil. 2:6) and the true man (Phil. 2:7-8).  Christ died for the sin of man (Rom. 5:6; 1 Pet. 3:18) and his dead body was risen as prophesied (Luke 24:6-7; 1 Cor. 15:20).
  •         I believe that the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the church (1 Cor. 12:13), gives the spiritual gifts to the believers to edify the church (Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:4), is the seal of the believers (Eph. 1:13-14), and helps the believer to understand teachings in the Bible (John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:10).
  •         I believe that angels are the spirits created by God to serve Him (Job 1:2), and they are mighty and fight with the evil spirits (Dan. 10:13).  Satan turned against God because of his arrogance (Ezek. 28:16-17)and tries to tempt man to disobey God (Rev. 12:9).
  •         I believe that man was made by God Himself (Gen. 1:27).  I believe that man is totally corrupted and cannot save himself from sin (Rom. 3:10).  Only the salvation of Christ can save man from sin (John 1:29; Acts 2:38; 10:43).
  •         I believe that the local church is given the authority to discipline and isolate the unrepentant believers (Matt. 18:17-20).  baptism symbolizes that the believer dies and lives again with Christ (Rom. 6:4-5).  Observance of the Lord’s Table is to commemorate the substitutional death of Christ (1 Cor. 11:24-26).
  •         I believe that the believer is justified through faith (Rom. 3:28).  The believers are priests of God (1 Pet. 2:5, 9).  God will forgive whoever confesses his own sin (1 John 1:9).
  •         I believe that at the end of this age God will punish the unbelievers (Rev. 6-19).  Christ will return (Ps. 89:36; Rev. 20:4, 6), defeat Satan ultimately (Rev. 20), and judge the living and the dead who will be risen again for their judgment (Rev. 20:13-14; 21:8).

信仰告白 2002, 2006-06-08 rev.  

  •         我相信聖經全部的字詞和語意都是出於神(約10:35;提前3:16);只有透過聖經,人才能認識神的救恩(路24:44;約5:39)。聖經也包含了基督徒的信仰以及生活規範(提前3:16)。
  •         我相信聖經裏的神是唯一真神(使14:15)。祂創造了宇宙和萬物(創1),祂不受限制於祂所創造的(詩113:5-6);祂是全能(創18:14),公義(賽45:21),憐憫(出34:6-7;約壹4:8,16),和全知(約壹3:10)的神。我相信神只有一個(申6:4)但是有三個獨立,同等的位格:父,子,和靈(太28:19)。
  •         我相信基督耶穌是真神(腓2:6),也是真人(腓2:7-8)。祂沒有原罪;祂也沒有犯罪(彼前2:22)。祂為眾人的罪死(羅5:6;彼前3:18);祂死了的身體如所預言的復活了(路24:6-7;林前15:20)。
  •         我相信聖靈藉著洗禮把信徒歸入教會(林前12:13),祂給信徒屬靈的恩賜來建造教會(羅12:6;林前12:4),祂是信徒得救有永生的記號(弗1:13-14),祂協助信徒了解聖經裏的教導(約14:26;林前2:10),祂也永遠居住在信徒裏(約14:16;弗2:22)。
  •         我相信天使是神所造來服事祂的靈(伯1:2),他們大有能力,也與邪靈爭戰(但10:13)。撒但原是天使長(結28:12-15),後來因驕傲而敵對神(結28:16-17),而帶領一群天使成為邪靈(啟12:4),他們試著誘惑人來敵對神(啟12:9)。
  •         我相信人是神親手所造(創1:27)。我相信人是徹底敗壞,無法救自己脫離罪(羅3:10)。唯有基督的救恩才能救人脫離罪(約1:29;使2:38;10:43)。這救恩是出於神的恩典,不是基於個人的行為(羅9:22-23;弗2:8-9)。
  •         我相信地方教會是一群信主的人,一起操練神的教導(使2:42),和傳揚福音(太28:19-20;使13:1-3)。洗禮是象徵信徒與基督同死同生(羅6:4-5),守聖餐是為了紀念基督寶血的救贖(林前11:24-26)。教會有權柄來訓誡和隔離偏離主道的信徒(太18:17-20)。
  •         我相信信徒是因信稱義(羅3:28),信靠基督的救恩的人被神認定是義人(羅3:25)。信徒應當過分別聖化的生活(帖前4:7),與人分享(雅2:16-17),以及對神讚美(西1:3)。只要認罪,神必赦免(約壹1:9)。
  •         我相信這世代的末了神會降大災難給全地不信的人(啟6-19),然後基督會再來,和祂的信徒治理全地(詩89:36;啟20:4,6)。之後,基督將徹底擊敗撒但(啟20),然後開庭審判活人和死人,死人也都要復活來受審判(啟20:13-14;21:8)。

  •         I believe that the Bible is written verbally and plenarily (John 10:35); only through the Bible man may know God's salvation (Luke 24:44; John 5:39).  The Bible also contains faith and living regulations of believers (1 Tim. 3:16).
  •         I believe that the God described in the Bible is the only true God (Acts 14:15).  He created the universe and all things (Gen. 1); He is unlimited in His creation (Psalm 113:5-6), omnipotent (Gen. 18:14), righteous (Is. 45:21), merciful (Ex. 34:6-7; 1 John 4:8, 16), and omniscient (1 John 3:10).  I believe the trinity of God.  God is one being (Deut. 6:4) but three independent and co-equal persons: Father, Son, and Spirit (Matt. 28:19).
  •         I believe that Christ Jesus is both the true God (Phil. 2:6) and the true man (Phil. 2:7-8).  He has no original sin; He never committed sin (1 Pet. 2:22).  He died for the sin of man (Rom. 5:6; 1 Pet. 3:18); His dead body was risen as prophesied (Luke 24:6-7; 1 Cor. 15:20).
  •         I believe that the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the church (1 Cor. 12:13), gives the spiritual gifts to the believers to edify the church (Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:4), is the seal of the believers (Eph. 1:13-14), helps the believer to understand the teachings in the Bible (John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:10), and also dwells in the believer (John 14:16; Eph. 2:22).
  •         I believe that angels are the spirits created by God to serve Him (Job 1:2), and they are mighty and fight with the evil spirits (Dan. 10:13).  Satan was the archangel (Ezek. 28:12-15), but turned against God because of his arrogance (Ezek. 28:16-17), and led away a group of angels to be evil spirits (Rev. 12:4).  They try to tempt man to disobey God (Rev. 12:9).
  •         I believe that man was made by God Himself (Gen. 1:27).  I believe that man is totally corrupted and cannot save himself from sin (Rom. 3:10).  Only the salvation of Christ can save man from sin (John 1:29; Acts 2:38; 10:43).  This salvation is the grace of God instead of the reward of the work of man (Rom. 9:22-23; Eph. 2:8-9).
  •         I believe that a local church means a group of believers who together practice teaching of God (Acts 2:42), and proclaim the gospel (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 13:1-3).  Baptism symbolizes that the believer dies and lives again with Christ (Rom. 6:4-5).  Observance of the Lord's table is to commemorate the death of Christ (1 Cor. 11:24-26).  The local church is given the authority to discipline and isolate the believer who becomes apart from the teachings of God (Matt. 18:17-20).
  •         I believe that the believer is justified through faith (Rom. 3:28).  Whoever has faith in the salvation of Christ is counted by God a righteous person (Rom. 3:25).  believers should live a sanctified life (1 Thess. 4:7) which is sharing among people (James 2:16-17) and praise unto God (Col. 1:3).  God will forgive whoever confesses his own sin (1 John 1:9).
  •         I believe that at the end of this age God will punish the unbelievers over the earth (Rev. 6-19).  Then Christ will return, and reign with His believers over the earth (Ps. 89:36; Rev. 20:4, 6).  Afterward Christ will defeat Satan ultimately (Rev. 20), and then open the court to judge the living and the dead who will be risen again for their judgment (Rev. 20:13-14; 21:8).

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