Wednesday, August 29, 2012


2009-12-12 00:51

Word Study, 05/17/2003

* logos: word, idea, statement;  matter
* rhEma: word, saying;  matter

* believe my words, the scripture, the word, the sending me, me, the works, 
our report, to the lord, the Philip, the GodX3, the Lord, the truth, the name, the

* believe receiving, Moses-Dat, S+V, the prophets-Dat, God-Dat

* believe in the gospel, him, in the heart, in Macedonia, in world

* believe into(in/to) meX12, the nameX4, himX17 the sonX3, this, the Jesus, 
the light, the hope, righteousness, the testimony, 

gift . . . [ see "Grace"]
rom 5:15
恩赐 /gift /charisma /5486
恩典 /grace /charis /5485
恩典* 中的 赏赐 /the gift by grace* 
 /o-dorea en-charis* /5486* 1431
> 恩典* /grace* /charis* /5486*(5485?)
> 赏赐 /gift /dorea /1431

rom 5:16
恩赐 /gift /dorema /1434
恩赐 /gift /charisma /5486

rom 5:17
恩 /grace /charis /5485
赐 /gift /dorea /1431

1431 /dorea /gift /赏赐
1434 /dorema /gift /恩赐
5485 /charisma /gift /恩赐
5486 /charis /grace /恩典


Big's interpretation

1431 /dorea /giving of free, ?
1434 /dorema /benefit bestowed, ?
5485 /charis /giving of undeserving, 
5486 /charisma /gift of God, away from sin

Luke, dorea=God gives man, doron=man gives God
Paul, dorea/doron=God gives man, charisma=generous
为什么要用各种不同字眼的 gift 赏赐呢?
a. 作者求变化;
b. 各个同义字仍然有不同的地方﹕
(可参考 Vine's Expository Dictionary )。
c. 作者的用法不同﹕
比如,有人提出路加用 doron 表示人给神的礼物,
保罗用 doron 表示神给人的礼物;
d. 所以,很难断定为什么。有待进一步地整理和分析。

gift/giving, Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1981
1. doron = usual gift
2. dorea = gift free (spiritual)
3. dorema = thing given
4. doma = gift concrete (existing/special) rather than beneficent
5. dosis = act of giving regarding debt and credit
6. charisma = gift of grace from God
7. merismos = a dividing, distribution
*  (a) doron/gift, doma/concrete,  
(b) dorea/free, charisma/gracious, dorema/given,  
(c) dosis/credit, merismos/distribution

give, Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1981
1. didomi = 
 (give, give out, entrust, give back, place, give up, make an effort)
2. apo-didomi (away from-) = give up/back, restore
3. epi-didomi (over/on-) = give by handing
4. meta-didomi (with-) = give a share/present of
5. para-didomi (from/beside-) = hand over
6. pro-didomi (before-) = give before/first
7. charizomai = show favour/kindness, give freely/graciously, 
8. par-echo (near-hold) = supply, furnish
9. doreo = make a gift of, grant
10. aponemo (away-distribute) = assign, apportion
11. poieo = do; give diligence
12. kata-phero (down-) = bring down
13. pros-tithemi (to-put) = give more
14. scholazo = have time for; give oneself availavle
15. lego = say; give out
16. pros-echo (for/near/to-) = attend to; give oneself up to
17. dioko = pursue; given to
*  didomi/give, apo/up-back, epi/hand, meta/share, para/hand, pro/before
*  charizomai/graciously, doreo/grant, kataphero/put, prostithemi/more, lego/out, 
*  parecho/supply, aponemo/divide, 
*  scholazo/available, prosecho/attend, dioko/given, poieo/diligently, 

- woman bears son (Luke 1:13), womb bears (Luke 23:29)
- son is born (Matt. 2:1),  conceived (Matt. 1:20), of God (1 John 5:4; Jogn 1:13)
- father begets son of mother (MAtt. 1:3) 

- woman bears son (MAtt. 1:21)
- son is born (Matt. 2:2)
- earth bears herbs (Jas. 1:15)

- father begets son of mother (MAtt. 1:3) 
- son is born (Matt. 2:1),  conceived (Matt. 1:20), of God (1 John 5:4; Jogn 1:13)
- wife bears son (Luke 1:13), womb bears (Luke 23:29)

hk-k-m (hkakmah ) -- 智 慧 -- 技 巧 
twushiyah -- 真 智 慧 
m-ss-r -- 训 诲 , 管 教 , ( 刑 罚 ) -- 纠 正 
t-k-hk -- 指 责 -- 指 错 
tt-w-b -- 好 , 喜 悦 
b-y-n (biynah, tbwunah)-- 聪 明 , 明 白 
d-'-t -- 知 识 , 分 辨 

rasha', OT, wrong/evil = wicked, ...
phetiy, OT, young/simple = ...





grace, Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1981
1. charis = application of pleasure, or response to pleasure
 (favour/goodwill, gratitude, effect, application, possession)
2. euprepeia = comely/pleasing appearance
*  grace = give what does not derserve
*  mercy = hold what derserves

charis 恩典和 charisma 恩赐有什么不同?

holies, OT/Hebrew, plural of holy = 
- saints;  
- holy for plural-form noun/pronoun (elohim/God and mayim/water are in plural form)
- the most holy one (Prov. 9:10)?

圣所是 the holy place (English), the holy (Greek, Hebrew), 
至圣所是 the most holy place (English), the holy of the holies (Greek), 
holy of the holies (Hebrew)

Big 认为依希腊文翻译成﹕众圣所;
,把 the holies 当作 the holy of the holies 的缩写。

heaven = opposite to earth under heaven, a level of heaven in creation, 
 earth under heaven <=> a heaven above earth (sky -> outer space -> highest)
heavens = opposite to world of man, place of God, 
 world of sinful beings <=> heavens of divine beings

a. 天堂是中国人对天的观念和说法。一般人已经把天堂和安乐相等在一起。
b. 旧约希伯来文里天是复数。
c. 新约希腊文里一般而言,单数的天是受造界的天上

It might be done to help people to idstinguish:
天堂 is the place where God dwells
天 is one above the earth or above the sky

1. the usage of "seed" does not always take a physical-seedly meaning: 
1a. in OT, seed of the field (Gen 47:24), the seed of the land (Gen 27:30), 
the seed of the kingdom (2K 11:1), seed of God (Mal 2:15);
1b. in NT, (Christians) seed of Abraham (Gal 3:29; Heb 2:16);
1c. even though "seed" should mean a physical-seedly meaning, 
Jesus could enter the seed of woman, or enter the woman to be the seed. Modern genetic
engineering can explain such a hypothesis;

1. Jesus did not use the seed of woman to be his body or the beginning of his humanity.
2. Jesus (or his humanity) might become the seed of woman 
at the time of Eve or Mary in order to be born.
3. Mainly we are discussing Jesus' humanity or the beginning of his humanity 
rather than Jesus' resurection.
4. The concept of trinity or Jesus' bi-nature is not logical. 
It is a statement of announcement or brief. There is only one God, the Father is God, the Son is God,
the Holy Spirit is God, Jesus is God, Jesus is a man: those are addressed in the Bible directly.

1. actually the Lord only use the half of human humanity (the humanity of woman, 
in reference to the seed of woman) to have the human humanity, and so in
this way the Lord's humanity will not be the same as we do-- 
for the rest of Adma race (except Adam, Eve and Jesus), the full human humanity results from the
humanity of man and the humanity of man;
2. actually the seed of the woman has been mixed with the seed of man through the generations, 
and there is no so-called pure seed of woman.

In Gal. 3:29, "Are ye Abraham's seed." Christians (plural) are the seed (singular) of Abraham without the blood relationship.

2. prOto-tokos, "firstborn" in Greek: 
2a. prOtos: first (Bauer 725)
2b. tokos: interest (on money loaned) (Bauer 821)
2c. Therefore, "prOtotokos" means "first interest" instead of "firstborn".
2d. Even if Jesus were firstborn, how could Jesus be born by Mary again and later? 
And who bore Jesus to be the firstborn at that time?
2e. Since Jesus were the firstborn of all creation, how could we be sure 
that Jesus was born as a human and born to create all things?

1. Adam is the son of God (Luke 3:38), and is Adam God as the same as Jesus is?
If it is unnecessary to mean Adam is God, why should the firsborn in Col. 1:15 
mean in a certain way?
2. Does the phrase of "firstborn of every creature" of Col. 1:15 imply 
that God bore every creature including the firstborn? If so, even the animal would be the
son of God. Otherwise, what exactly does the first-"born" mean?

1. firstborn of all creation -> Jesus may be a thing without life
2. firstborn of all creature(s) -> Jesus may be an animal


 in Greek
 kardia, heart = 心,意图
 dianoia, mind = 意念,思想

 in Hebrew
 lebab or leb, heart = 心,内心
 qereb, mind = 内部,内脏

God did three things =  create, reveal, deliver
create =  bara (from nothing), ashah (make/perform), yatsar (form from soil)

soul = mortal life, and visible being
spirit = immortal life, and invisible being


lyts, OT, boast = 
- scorn, xie4-man4, ji-xiao4, 
- mock, xi4-shua3




Matt. 13
13﹕3-9, 18-23 --A1.天国的环境因素
13﹕24-30,37-43 --B1.魔鬼的侵扰和结果
13﹕31-33 --B2.侵扰的补充说明(?)
13﹕44-46 --C1.天国的宝贵
13﹕47-50 --C2.天国的时间表


3. the main isuue is still how possible to prove that Jesus is created, besides of that Jesus is created-tive, i.e. Jesus has the nature of creature.
3a. The Bible does not say anything about whether Jesus is created or not.
3b. "the word became flesh" (John 1:14), and "becoming the likeness of man" (Phil 2:7) may imply that Jesus is not created.
3d. if the huamn Jesus has a life ta birth, what relationship is between life of huamn Jesus and life of divine Jesus?

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