Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 2012-4-19 20:39

Big 2012-4-19 21:12
Athanasius's Doctrine of Divinization 

The Word ``was made man so that we might be made God'' (De Inc 54.3; Robertson 65). What did Athanasius mean when he used the word theopoie_? Literally, this word means ``to make God'' or, more politely, ``to make divine.'' Can humans be made God? 

Human nature has been altered by the fact that the Son of God was once in union with it. 
what Athanasius meant by the term theopoie_: through union with Christ via the Holy Spirit, we receive immortality and we escape the corruption of sin.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2012-4-19 21:22
Discussion Community > Topical Discussions > In Depth: Texts, Sources and Fathers > Specific persons > Athanasius and Theosis

we will need to be inventive with some pretend words, would read:
He became in-carnate i.e. enfleshed that man might become en-godded.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2012-4-19 21:41

By "deification" Athanasius means "sanctification and glorification."
God became man so that men might become god.

Theosis is not the same as pantheism.  ... for man participates in the energies of God, not the essence. 

For Christians in the Orthodox East Théōsis is salvation.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2012-4-19 21:41
De Incarnatione Verbi Dei
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2012-4-19 22:02
St. Athanasius' doctrine of Divinization

divinization was basically the same thing as St. Paul's doctrine of adoption, since both have to do with transitioning from sons of Adam to sons of God. 

Divinization is the process that follows upon adoption by which the newly born sons of God become conformed to His image; adoption makes divinization possible.

Divinization, on the other hand, is taught by St. Athanasius as a soteriological concept, ... but as a fundamental soteriological statement about what it means for Christians (all Christians) to be saved. 

divinization means positively the perfection and glorification of human nature.

deified persons did not become God by nature or essence

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