Wednesday, August 29, 2012

事工规划草案 (12)

 2012-2-28 14:43

2011-7-16 23:30

Sunday, July 3, 2011
事工规划草案 (2)

c10. Planning 

c11. Motto::: 
Thankful, Useful, Fruitful; 

- Four areas in Bible Study: God, sin, faith, holiness.
- Four steps to God's grace: faith, creation, church, mission.

c12. Development: 
- (1) Ministry: Bible study, ministries, growth, duplication; 
- (2) Individual: love (loved by believers), hope (loving the Lord), faith (commit oneself); 
- (3) Leadership: coordination, training, development; 

c20. Ministry
c21. Sections of gathering: 
- refreshment, 
- song-inspiration (heart to God; who God is), 
- testimony (God in life; what God did), 
- Bible (God to people; how God saw), 
- prayer (needs to God; reply to God; what we will); 
- *refreshment;

c22. Sections of Bible study: 
- *praise (songs), 
- welcome, 
- pray for divine guide
- read the passage, 
- summarize, explain, keywords, questions, 
- discuss, Q&A, clarify, theme, 
- lesson, conclusion, main point, 
- *transfer, next passage, 
- pray for response, 

c30. Teamwork 
c31. Leadership: 
(1) vision, plan, sharing; delegation, supervision; 
(2) timing, deployment, training; stimulation, trend, charm

c32. Confront the problem: 
(1) separate, pray, wait, reunite; 
(2) plan, practice, confront, concentrate;


* d. Addendum

d1. Four W's (section) of cell church: 
- welcome, worship (songs), word, witness; 

d2. Difference: 
- motto: guide for us to act; 
- slogan: idea for you to join;

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