Wednesday, August 29, 2012

事工规划草案 (11)

2012-2-28 14:43

2011-7-16 23:29

Monday, June 20, 2011                  
事工规划草案 (1)


    Motto::: Thankful, Useful, Fruitful;


    • Priscilla continues one-to-one discipleship and Friday new believer class.
    • Tom will start a new ministry in River House apartments (in which there are much more students and new graduates than those whom we reached before and meet regularly), including:
      • visitation (to absent and unbelievers; for friendship, encouragement, and salvation),
      • weekend Bible study (some students unable to attend Friday study; also to train believers to lead study and evangelize in community so as to spread Bible study groups inside residence),
      • Sunday crusade (encourage students to attend Sunday service, at Cherrydale Baptist Church),
      • and friendship dinner.
    • We continue helping the small groups of Chantilly Bible Church (our home church) to reach students, invite them to group gatherings, and take them to church.  A part of our ministry is to bring students to church (e.x., bring them to Cherrydale Baptist Church), and get church members involved in student ministry (e.x., to bring students to groups, and groups bring students to church) in order that students can grow spiritually in the Body of Christ.

2009-05-30, Tom


    Motto: Thankful, Useful
    • Contact students     - phone call, visitation, sports
    • Care their life     - weekly shopping, monthly dinner, seasonal outing
    • Invite them for one-to-one discipleship
    • Invite them for Bible study groups


    2. 現階段事工規劃草案 目標是成立學生自主的團契﹐原則是重視一對一的關懷。工作項目有:
    • 在校園接觸學生﹐介紹校園和當地生活﹐邀請他們參加一對一的門徒造就﹐以及小組查經。
    • 在校外教會的家庭可以邀請學生來聚餐和購物﹐教會的小組可以邀請學生來參加每週的查經﹐每月的擴大餐會﹐每季的郊遊活動。
    2. Current Ministry Project Draft The goal is to form a student governing fellowship. The principle is to emphasize the one-on-one discipleship. The tasks include:  
    • On campus to contact students, introduce the campus and local life style, invite them to on-on-one discipleship and small group Bible study;
    • Outside of campus families in the church can invite students for meals and shopping, and small groups can invite them for weekly Bible study, monthly big dinner, and seasonly outing activities.

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