Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hebrew, Noun Cases, b (1998-10, or Summer 1997)

2012-3-13 07:33

Hebrew, Noun Cases, b (1998-10, or Summer 1997)

Appendix: Brief Hebrew Syntax According to IBHS1


    II. Nouns

        A. Nominative
        B. Genitive
        C. Accusative
        D. Numbers
        E. Demonstratives
        F. Independent Personal Pronouns
        G. Apposition

Nominative [IBHS 8.3a]

    subject [4.4], 
    predicate of verbless clauses (the nominal clause), 
    nominative absolute [4.7b] (as for N-Abs), 
    vocative [8.3d, 4.7d] (in apposition to the 2nd person [12.3a])

Genitive [IBHS 9.5] (Construct + Genitive)

    subjective [.1]: (genitive has a verbal quality)

        of agency [.b] (G does C=verb), 
        of authorship [.c] (G writes/speaks C), 
        of instrument [.d] (C=verb/adj with/by G), 
        abstract subjective [.e] (C=suffix G=verb)

    subjective [.1]: (genitive has non-verbal quality)

        temporal [.f] (C=time of G=verb), 
        possessive [.g] (G owns C), 
        of inalienable possession [.h] (C is a part of G), 
        of relation [.i] (G=one C=rel social position),
        of quality [.j] (G=one C=quality), 
        partitive [.k] (C is divided from G)

    adverbial [.2]:

        objective [.b] (C=pt/verb G=obj), 
        of effect [.c] (C causes/produces G; cf. of authorship), 
        of a mediated object [.d] (C does to/by/with G; cf. of instrument), 
        of advantage [or disadvantage] [.e] (C=verb for/against/due to G=obj)
        of location [.f] (C is at/toward G=place)

    adjectival [.3]:

        attributive [.b] (G=adj/character C), 
        epexegetical [.c] (C=adj G), 
        of substance [.d]

            material [.d] (C is made of G), 
            topical [.e] (C is written about G), 
            of measure [.f] (G is measured in C=num/all),

        inter-relationship [.3g]:

            of species [.g] (class G with of G), 
            of association [.h] (C [of] G=place/name; cf. epexegetical), 
            of genus [.i] (sg C belongs to class G=group), 
            superlative [.j] (pl G is cognate with sg C)

Accusative [IBHS 10.2]

    objective [.1]:

        direct object [.c], 
        effected object [.f] (cognate: effect, result, cognate), 
        internal object [.g] (cognate: expression/manner: with Acc)

            non-cognate internal), 

        complement [.h] (Adj of + Acc), 
        dative [.i] (to/prep. Acc)2

    adverial [.2]:

        of place [.b], location, goal, origin
        of time [.c], 
        of state [.d], 
        of manner [.e], 
        of limitation (as far as Acc), 
        of specification (as to, of Acc),

    double [.3]:

        not with Piel-Hiphil forms [.b]

            (DO/one+datival, t
            DO+means/medium [.d]), 

        with D-H [.e]

            (one+definite (mostly), 

    Accusative Markers

        tae -ta, tao DDO (definite, mostly), with compl/datival, time/place/limitation
        rc,a} tae the one which/who, that-clause
        (rarely) the subject, with prep l/...
        l] to, toward; at, near; into, belonging to
        (definite) DDO; datival acc, pron DO
        h- to/at, -ward; direction, locale; progressive thru time
        other prep for certain verbs, [IBHS 10.2.1d]
        object suffixes

Numbers [IBHS 7]

    singular [7.2]

        countables [.1a], collectives [.1b] (conventional [.1c]: singular form; non-conventional [.1d]: pl form but means sg) (a group of the same kind)
        class [.2] (a particular class or group, even without the article): enumerations (all/every+, number+), qualitity, gentilic;
        repetition [.3]: distributive [.3b], diversity [.3c], emphasis

    dual [7.3]

        natural pair [.b], metaphorical use, countable units of measurement and time [.c]

    plural [7.4]

        countables [.1a], collectives [.1b] (result; cf. singular, composition), exensions [.1c] (quality, multiplicity, greatness, enormousness), complex inanimate [.1e]; repetition: emphasis;
        abstract [.2]: qualities [.1a], stateS, conditionS [.1b], a repeated series of actions or a habitual behavior [.1c]
        honorifics [.3]: intensive [.a], honorific (God) [.b]
        [Seow 24.6a] numerals:

            "one" is attributive, agrees in gender and definiteness; subst in const w/ plural abs noun
            "two" may be substantive, constructive, or apposition, agrees in gender
            "three - ten" preposition, sg-- pl noun, female-- male noun, male-- female noun

Demonstratives [Seow 10.1b]

    -- it points to someone or something to make that referent
    i. as an adjective, it stands in the final position. A third person independent pronoun

        (3rd IPP) may be used emphatically. Translated as (definite noun "the N, the very one" or "that N"

    ii. as pronoun: precedes the predicate/complement
    iii. The repetition of the same demonstrative may indicate reciprocity or contrast.

        Translated as "one ... anoth" or " this one ... that one"

Independent Personal Pronouns [Seow 9.1b]

    i. the subject of a verbless clause 
    ii. for emphasis, "the one, the very one, that one", the DO or IO
    iii. the third person pron. : "the same, the afore-mentioned, that"
    iv. 3ms, 3fs : explanation or clarification, "that is"
    v. change of the speaker or actor, in parenthetical comments

Apposition [IBHS 12]
    - a certain one, no other [.2a]
    - form-matter/identity, substance-accident, universal-perticular [.2b]

        N1-N2 [12.3] sorted [.b], quality/character [.c], material [.c], measure/measured [.d], office/relationship [.e], repeated prep/ta (N+name) [.f]
        pron(suffix)-N [12.4]
        repetitive (N1-N1) [12.5a]: distributive, diverse, emphatic
        pron(suffix)-IPP [16.3.4]: IPP/emphatic; IPP-pron: IPP/Nom Abs

1 O’Connor, M.; Bruce K. Waltke. An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990

2 objective) (1) prep+Acc, pron-suffix; (2) I.O.

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