Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Big's Doctrines, 10p, 1999, 6 - ANGELOLOGY

2012-3-13 06:54



Angels exist. The term "angel" originally means "messenger"in Hebrew and Greek. It could be a human agent (EX. 3:2; Matt. 28:2).The Bible assumes their existence (Psalm 148:1-5; Col. 1:16). There are thirty three records of "the angel of God," "the angels of God," or "the angel of the Lord." The angels came to serve Christ alter his temptation by Satan (Matt. 4:11). He mentioned angels in the issue of the resurrection (Matt. 22:29-30).All the angels shall come with Him in His glory (Matt. 25:31). The Bible implies the organization of angels by the assemblies of angels(Job 1:6, 2:1, Ps 89:5-6), warfare terminology (Rev 12:7-9, Rev9:11), authority terms applied to angels (Rom 8:38, 1 Cor 15:24, Eph1:21, 3:10, 6:12), and rank (archangel, etc., Dan 10:13,21, 12:1,Jude 9, Rev 12:7-8, 1 Th 4:16)
Though there is no explicit passage for their creation, angels should be created by God during the creation because God created all things in those six days and all of them were claimed good (Gen. 1; 2:1-2; Psalm 148:5; Ezek. 28:13-15; Neh. 9:6; Col 1:16). They were created all at one time because they cannot reproduce themselves (Matt.22:30). Their number is numerous (Deut. 33:2; Psalm 68:17; Dan. 7:10;Matt. 26:53; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 5:11). They were created in hierarchy(Job 1:6, 2:1, Ps 89:5-6; 1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 9). They are created tominister to God (Heb. 1:7; Rev. 4:6-11) and men (Heb. 1:14).


Angels are spirits (Heb. 1:7,14). They have a spirit kind of nature (Luke24:37-39). Their spirit nature is unique (John 4:24; 1 Cor 2:11;comp. Luke 24:4, Matt. 28:2-3, Dan 10:5-6). Normally, angels are invisible (comp Num 22:22-31, 2Ki 6:17, Ps 34:7), but they have ability to appear and disappear at will (comp. Acts 12:7,10).However, they do not function as human beings in terms of marriage(Mk. 12:25), nor are they subjective to death (Luke 20:36).

Angelsare a little higher than mankind, including the incarnate Lord (Heb2:7,9). They are not subject to death as man (Luke 20:36, Heb12:22-23, Matt. 25:41,46). They have greater wisdom than man (2 Sam.14:20), but it is limited about the day of the fulfillment day (Matt.24:36). They have greater power than man (2Pet 2:11, Matt. 28:2, Acts5:19; Ps 103:20, 2Pet
2:11,comp 2Ki 19:35, Acts 5:19,23), but it is limited in time and space(Dan 10:13). Nevertheless, at the consummation of the age, the redeemed man will be exalted above angels (1 Cor 6:3).
Angels re persons. They are self-awareness (Dan 10:11-14),self-determination (Acts 12:7-8, Rev 22:8-9), moral awareness (Matt.13:41, Luke 15:10), perpetuity (Matt. 25:41), as well as intelligence(2 Sam. 14:20, Rev. 22:16), learning (Eph 3:10, 2:7; 1 Pet 1:12),desire (1 Pet 1:12), emotion (Job 38:7, Rev. 12:12) and accountability (1 Cor. 6:3). They are also ascribed by the masculine gender (Rev 10:1-3).


Angels praise God before him (Ps 148:2, Rev 5:11-12). They were mediators of the law (Acts 7:53). They communicate God's message to man (Luke1:13-20; 26-38; Acts 7:53). They often minister to believers,protecting people from harm (Acts 5:19), and meeting spiritual needs(Heb 1:14) Some of them are evil, this is, fallen angels (Eph. 6:17).

Angels minister to God. They come to present themselves before God (Job 1:6,2:1). The cherubim have a ministry to God in defending the holiness of God (Gen 3:24); Seraphim have a ministry to God in surrounding thethrone of God as they attend to His holiness (Is 6:2). They are worshipers of God (15 6, Rev 5:5, Job 1:6, 2:1), ministers to God(Heb 1:7,14), messengers of God (Ps 103:20, Luke 1,2), warriors ofGod (2Ki 6:17, Dan 10, Rev 12), and executioners for God (Gen 19, Ps78, Matt. 25, Ex 12).

Angels minister to Christ. Angels predicted His birth (Luke 1:26-38).Gabriel came to Mary explaining for her new child. Angels protected Him in infancy (Matt. 2:13). An angel warned Joseph of Herod's intention and told Joseph to flee to Egypt. Angels ministered to Him after the temptation (Matt. 4:11), probably included encouragement after the exhaustion of forty days of temptation, as well assupplying him with food. Angels strengthened Him at Gethsemane (Luke22:43) in which Christ had a spiritual battle concerning the cross.Angels announced His resurrection (Matt. 28:5-7, Mk 16:6-7, Luke24:4-7, Jo 20:12-13). The angels invited the women to enter the emptytomb, and reminded the women of Jesus earlier promise. Angelsattended His ascension (Act 1:10). Angels will prepare the world ofthe return of the Son by regathering Israel to the land preparatoryfor their Messiah's return. As the Son returned to earth He will beattended by a host of angels, adding to the splendor and glory of hisTribulation return (Matt. 25:31).

Angels minister to believers. Physical protection (Dan 3, 6:20,22, 2Ki 6)avid experienced physical protection by the angel when he was forcedto flee to the Philistines (Ps 34:7). They released the apostles fromprison (Acts 5:19) and Peter from prison (Acts 12:7-11). They willprotect 144,000 in the Tribulation (Rev 7:1-14). Physical provision(Rev 7:1, Job 1:4,17,19, Dan 10:12,20, 12:1): An angel broughtphysical nourishment for Elijah in a lengthy journey (1 Ki 19:5-7).Encouragement: During the storm at sea an angel encouraged Paul (Acts17:23-25). Direction: An angel directed Philip to witness theEthiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26), and the meeting of Cornelius and Peter(Act 10:3,22). Assist in answering to prayer: The angels releasedPeter from prison in response to the prayer for Peter's release. Theangel explained for Daniel the visions (Dan 9:20-27, 10:10-12:13).Carry believers home: The angels carried Lazarus to Abraham's bosom(Luke 16:22). They are the carriers of Revelation (Matt. 1, Mk 7,Luke 1, Heb 2:1; Rev, Dan 7; Acts 7).

Angels deal with unbelievers, too. Angels announce the coming destructionabout people's sin (Gen 19:12-13), and worship to the beast (Rev14:4,7,8-9,15,17-18). They sound the trumpet judgments during theTribulation (Rev 8:2-12, 9:1,13, 11:15). Angels are instrumental injudgment. For example, they killed the people of Jerusalem (Ezk9:1-11), stroke Herod Agrippa I for his blasphemy (Acts 12:23), castunbelievers into the furnace of fire (Matt. 13:39-42), and poured outthe bowl judgment upon the earth (Rev 16:2-17).


History of the Fall
At some time between the creation of goodness (Gen. 1) and the fall ofman (Gen. 3), a group of angels sinned and was cast out of thepresence of God (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6). Satan, the leader of the fallen angels, sinned in his pride and self-elevation (Ezek. 28:17; Is.14:13-14). The rest of them followed Satan in his rebellion againstGod (Man. 25:41, Rev 12:4,7-9). Some of them are now confined (2 Pet2:4, Rev 9:1-10, Rom 10:7), others are free.

Satan’s original state: He enjoyed an exalted position in the presence of God(Ezk 28:12-15), was called the "anointed covering cherub",the highest honor before God, next to the throne of God (Ezk 1:26),and was referred by Israel as "star of the morning (KJV,Lucifer), son of the dawn". He was perfect before he sinned (Ezk28:15).

Satan's fall (Ezk 28:16-1; Is 14:12-14): Satan was cast out because of hissin: his proud heart of his beauty, his corrupted wisdom, and hisdesire for God's throne. Some angels left their place and went aftera different kind of flesh for immoral purposes (2Pet 2:4, Jude 6-7).Satan fell from his place of prominence, and led with himlower-ranking angels, as many as a third of the angelic host (Rev12:4).

Satan'smoral responsibility (Job 1:7): He does not have freedom in anunrestricted sense but is subordinate to and restricted by God.

TheJudgment of Fallen Angels
Their judgement is that they were cast out of the presence of God down tothe earth (2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 12:9).

The Judgment of Satan: Satan fell from his original exalted position (Ezk28:16-17, Rev 12:4, 9). Satan's ultimate defeat was pronounced inEden (Gen 3:15). Satan was rendered powerless through the cross (Heb2:14). Satan will be cast out of heaven during the Tribulation (Rev12:13). Satan will be bound in the pit for 1,000 years (Rev 20:2-3).Satan will finally be cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:7-10).

The Judgment of Demons: Through the cross the power of demons has beenconquered (Col 2:15). At the return of Christ the demons and Satanwill be judged and cast into the lake of fire (Man. 25:41, rev 12:9,Rev 19:19-21).

TheOrganization of Fallen Angels
The fallen angels retain the rank system of angels. Satan (Job 1:6; Mall.4:10; 12:24-27; 16:23; Luke 10:18; Rev. 20:2) is the leader of demons(Matt. 12:24-27; John 12:31; Eph. 2:2; cf.
2Cor. 4:4). The organization of Satan is referred by "the deviland his angels" (Matt. 25:41), "the dragon and his angels"(Rev 12:7). Satan in Hebrew means the adversary. Satan has othernames, such as the devil (only in the NT, Mall. 4:1, 13:39, 25:41,Rev 12:9, 20:2, etc.), the serpent (Gen 3:1, 14, 2Cor 11:3, Rev 12:9,20:2), Be-elzebul (Matt. 10:25,12:24,27, Luke 11:15), the ruler ofthis world (Jo 12:31, 14:30, 16:11), the prince of the power of theair (Eph 2:2), or the evil one (Matt. 13:19, 1 Jo 2:13).

Demons serve for Satan. Their number is enormous (Matt. 26:53; Rev. 5:11).These evil angels actively oppose God and His people and influenceworld affairs (Rev 12:7-9, Jo 14:30, Eph
6:12),and they are recognized as demons and spirits (Matt. 3:16).

TheActivities of Fallen Angels
They tempt and deceive human beings to turn away from God. They causephysical disorders such as dumbness (Mk 9:17), deafness (Mk 9:25),blindness (Matt. 12:22), and convulsions (Mk 1:26). More importantly,they struggle against the Christian in an attempt to stunt spiritualgrowth.

The activities of Satan: Satan was the attempter of sin (Gen 3:1-6, 2Cor11:3, Jo 8:44, 1 Jo 3:3). Demons oppose and try to destroy every workof God (Gen 3:1-6, Matt. 4:1-11, Jo 3:44, Rev 12:9, Ps 106:37, Jo3:44, 2Cor 4:4, Gal 4:3). Yet demons are limited by God's control andhave limited power (Job 1:12, 2:6, Jude 6, Jam 4:7, Is 46:9-10, Mk13:32) because Jesus knows people's thoughts (Matt. 9:4,12:25, Mk2:8, Luke 6:3, 11:17), and God knows, too (Gen 6:5, Ps 139:2,4,23, Is66:13, Dan 2:17-23).

The devil is a murderer (Jo 3:44). The devil is a liar; the father oflies (Jo 3:44). Satan deceives people in schemes and craftiness (Eph6:11, Rev 12:9, Matt. 4:5-6, 1 Pet 5:3), exalts himself (Is 14:12-17,14:13-14) through the trap (1 Tim 3:6), tempts people to wrath (Rev12:12), and sin (Man. 4:3), and accuses against believers (Rev12:9-10, Zech 3:1).

The Activities of demons: Major activities of demons are to serve Satan(Man. 9:24; 12:14; Eph 6:4)), to oppose God about created order (Gen.3), and redemptive order (Rev. 12; Matt. 4), to oppose man (Job 1, 2;Eph. 6), and to oppose good angels (Dan. 10:13; Jude 9; Rev 12, Dan10:13). The demon possession means to have evil spirit (Mk 1:23), tobe demonized by demon (Luke 5:13), to have demon enter in people(Luke 22), to have demon live in (Li 1:14-23), and to be housed ordwelled by demon (Matt. 12:29, Luke 11:14-23).

Demons oppose and try to destroy every work of God (Gen 3:1-6, Matt. 4:1-11,Jo 3:44, Rev 12:9, Ps 106:37, Jo 3:44, 2Cor 4:4, Gal 4:3). Yet demonsare limited by God's control and have limited power (Job 1:12, 2:6,Jude 6, Jam 4:7, Is 46:9-10, Mk 13:32) because Jesus knows people'sthought (Matt. 9:4, 12:25, Mk 2:3, Luke 6:3, 11:17), and God knows,too (Gen 6:5, Ps 139:2,4,23, Is 66:13, Dan 2:17-23). In the area ofknowledge, demons cannot know the future or read our mind or know our thoughts. God alone know the future (Is 46:9-10). Demons inflict disease (Mk 9:17, Luke 13:11; Job 1:12, 2:6,; 2Cor 12:7-10),blindness and deafness (Matt. 12:22), convulsions (Mk 1:26, 9:20,Luke 9:39), paralysis or lameness (Acts 3:7). Demons influence thedie mind (Gen 3:1-5, 2Cor 4:4,11:3). They oppose the spiritual progress of God's people (Eph 6:12). The solution to demonic influence of the mind is to bring the thought progress to subjection to Christ (2Cor 10:5). Demons deceive people (1Th 3:5). Satan Also deceives the unbelievers (Eph 2:2, Man. 13:19). Demons deceives nations (Rev 16:14).

There have been differing stages of demonic activity in the history ofredemption. The people of Israel sinned be serving false Gods, and werealize that the these false gods were really demonic forces. (Dt32:16-17, Ps 106:35-37, 1Cor 10:20, cf 1 John 5:19, 1Sam. 16:23, Ps106:35-37, 1Ki 13:23, cf Dt 14:1, Dt 23:17, iKi 14:24, Hos 4:14).During the ministry of Jesus demons were cast out by Christ withabsolute authority, and Christ demonstrated the reign of the kingdomof God inaugurated in a new and powerful way (Matt. 1:27, 12:28-29,4:1-11). During the new covenant age Christ gave similar authority tothe Twelve and seventy disciples over unclean spirits. (Man. 10:3, Mk5:15, Luke 10:17,13, Ac 8:7, 16:18, Jam 4:7, 1Pet 5:8-9, 1Jo

3:8).During the millennium the activity of Satan and demons will befurther restricted, and sin and rebellion grow in the hearts of theunbelievers (Rev 20:1-3,8-9,7). At the final judgment Satan will beloosed and will gather the nations for battle, but he will bedecisively defeated and thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, andwill be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (Rev 20:10).

The Destiny of Fallen Angels
They will be defeated in the end. These evil angels will be judged (lCor6:3), 2 Pet 2:4) and will experience the conscious torment in hellforever (Matt. 25:41, Rev 20:10). They are aware of the doom thatawaits them (Matt. 8:29, Mk 5:7, Luke 8:28; Col 1:20). There will bemany of anticipation of that final victory (Matt. 24:27; Luke 10:18;John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Rom. 16:20; Heb. 2:14-15; 1 John 2:13; 3:8;5:18; Rev 12).

The struggles between Satan with his forces and Christ with his followers got intensive, but Christ had a victory over the temptation of Satan and many encounters with demons (Matt. 4:1-11, Luke 22:31-34, Gal5:16-17, Eph 6:10-20). Satan with his angels will fight with Michael with his angels on account of Satan's attack on the church. Satan will be bound for a thousand years, and will release for a time before being cast into the lake of fire forever (Rev 20). The decisive spirit war was won by Christ in the crucifixion and resurrection (Luke 10:18, Jo 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, Rom 16:20, Heb2:14-15, 1 Jo 2:13, 3:8, 5:18).


Demon possession is the indwelling of a demon (Mark 1:23) or a multitude of demons (Mark 5:9) in a human individual to control over him (Mark9:18). Believers and unbelievers could be influenced spiritually and afflicted physically by demons, but demonized individuals are incapable to control themselves or disengage the possessed demon bythemselves. The genuine believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling inthe heart (2 Cor. 1:22), and it seems impossible for them to be possessed.

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