2012-3-15 21:04
Biblical Greek, noun, cases 1995.08.26
NOUN : Declesion, Case, Gender, Number
Declesion : pattern of ending, according to noun inflections;
(inflection: words change with grammatic function);
1st (-a), 2nd (-o), 3rd (-C);
Case : relation to verb/words
Gender : sex; masculine (male), feminine (female), neuter
Number : singular, plural, [dual]
|CASE | Manner-Reference | Means-Effect | Measure |
|Genit |time, within, opposed |oath, kata+ |measure, price |
| ive |place, emphasis |advantage, | |
| |association, | (purepose) | |
| | company, meta+, | | |
| | creature | | |
| |circumstances, company, | | |
| | meta+, invisible | | |
| |(reference), theme, | | |
| | (means), content | | |
|Ablat |exchange, taking |cause, |comparison, |
| ion |source, (N+) | continuedly | A-er+THAN |
| |separation, (V/A+) |agency |rank, pro+, Adv+ |
| | |means, (agency) | |
| | |purpose, to | |
| | | remove, , | |
| | | peri+ | |
| | |opposition, | |
| | | kata+, Adv+ | |
|Dativ |reference; ABOUT, |advantage | |
| e | respect; BY, cause, |disadvantage | |
| | respect; UNTO, I.O.; | | |
|Locat |place, particular | | |
| ive |time, particular, point | | |
| | of time, chronology, | | |
| |sphere, metaphor, | | |
| | (invisible) | | |
|Instr |manner; (en+), IN, WITH; |cause, |*measure, interval |
|ument | company; circumstance | in contrast | of time, within; |
| |association, WITH, UNTO, |(agency) | difference |
| | (sun+) |means, tool; | |
| | | agency | |
|Accus |measure, AT; series of |cause, |*measure, FOR; |
|ative | events, time; | necessarily, | time, thoughout; |
| | (relative) place; |oaths, ART+ | place |
| |manner, method, (thing), |purpose, plotted |comparison, |
| | (eic+) |result, eic+ | MORE THAN, WITH |
| |reference, ABOUT, ON; |relationship, | |
| | BY, basis, cause; | FOR, AGAINST, | |
means what to do by means of
manner how to do
agency whom to do by
cause what to cause to happen
measure quantity, series of time/events, amount
reference what to focus on; reason, extent, role
relationship effect, purpose
purpose which to do for plottedly
advantage whom to do for
circumstance company, sphere
sphere what to do in/with/under,
environment, feeling, authority
association company with
separation against, deprived of
source sent out, come from
Genitive Dative Accusative
Time IO Measure
X by, during X to X through, for,
dia through, after en to+many by, during
epi during (the epi doing+unto ana P:through, in
reign) Advantage eic [reaching] unto
Measure X for epi P:on, for+time
X for, in price of en for kata along
Reference epi doing+unto meta PT:behind, after
X Adj+, by, of, Disadvantage para beside
(in/about) X peri PT:around, about
peri concerning, en IO proc PT:with, for
(for) epi upo under, about
uper about, as for Posseion Manner
Advantage X +pronoun (X) in, with, method
X for Reference en in, sphere
peri pray+for X bout, as to, Reference/Respect
(pros) in (for)/to X about
uper for, emphasis en about, according eic about
Association to kata according to
meta with epi because, (by, (peri) about/unto,
Circumstances about) by/about/in
meta (in), with; DO proc to/about,
sun+Dat X according to
Oaths en Purpose
kata by ...Locative eic +INF, for
Place Place proc +PT
X to, in X in, on, to, away Request
dia through en in X as a result
epi on epi on, at/by Cause
kata through+olyc+ para at, on dia (+PT), (push)
...Ablation proc at, on eic (do+after)
Separation Time Possession
X (between), away X (at) kata [rare]
from en in, within, Comparison
apo invisible, one, standard para more than
out of epi in, ground proc with
ek from para in, with uper more than
pro before ...Instrumental Relationship
Source Means dia for, considering
X BE+from X by, with eic to, (against)
apo out of en by, with epi ?
ek from Cause para against
kata down from X because proc to, with
para from, through en intermediate
Agency epi emphasis
X PP-Adj+ Manner
apo attempted X in, with
dia intermediate (en) with,
ek involved association
para emphasis, Measure
finished X time, degree
upo direct en IO, complement
Means sun sequence of
X by events, besides
dia with, through/by Association
ek with, emphasis X with, (para+)
upo by en with+many
Comparison para do+with
X than sun together with
Cause Agency
anti because X upo+G
apo because en (means)
ek because, suffer+
pro above
kata against
peri taking from
X of, along
apo of, from
ak of, differently
|prep | Gentitive | Dative | Accusative |
|anti |because | | |
|apo |out of, by | | |
|dia |through, after | |because, for |
|ek |from, by, with | | |
|epi |during, on |unto, for/unto, on |on, for, against |
|peri |concerning, for | |around, about, unto |
|proc |in | |with, for, about |
|para |from, through, by |at, on |beside, more than |
|pro |before, above | | |
|kata |by, down from | |along, on, of, about |
|upo |by | |under, about |
|uper |about, as for, for | |more than |
|meta |with | |behind |
|en | |to, for, about, in |in |
|sun | |besides, along with | |
|ana | | |through, in |
|eic | | |about, for, because |
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