Tuesday, August 28, 2012

a15. Fathers - Irenaeus

2012-2-12 05:24

2011-9-27 21:21
* 爱任纽--反异端--第五部第一章一节、三节

2. “如果祂只是一个幻影,祂就不曾从马利亚承受肉体,像我们已证明的一样。因为除非祂在自己身上将亚当受造 重演, 祂就不是真具有血肉之体,来拯救我们。瓦伦提努(Valentinus)派坚持基督为幻影之说,来反对肉体的得救,乃是错了。

3.  “正如神当初造人时,将气吹入受造的人里面,他便成了有生命,有理性的人;照样在这末世,祂 被造成为 一个有生命而完全的人,能够承受完全的父,这是由于父的道和神的灵与亚当受造的体质结合起来……”

http://www.gnosis.org/library/advh5.htm )
http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf01.ix.vii.ii.html )
1. We — who were but lately created by the only best and good Being, by Him also who has the gift of immortality, having been formed after His likeness (predestinated, according to the prescience of the Father, that we, who had as yet no existence, might come into being), and made the first-fruits of creation — have received, 

Since the Lord thus has redeemed us through His own blood, giving His soul for our souls, and His flesh for our flesh, and has also poured out the Spirit of the Father for the union and communion of God and man, imparting indeed God to men by means of the Spirit, and, on the other hand, attaching man to God by His own incarnation, and bestowing upon us at His coming immortality durably and truly, by means of communion with God—all the doctrines of the heretics fall to ruin.

2. And I have proved already, that it is the same thing to say that He appeared merely to outward seeming, and [to affirm] that He received nothing from Mary. For He would not have been one truly possessing flesh and blood, by which He redeemed us, unless He had summed up in Himself the ancient formation of Adam 

3. so also, in [the times of] the end, the Word of the Father and the Spirit of God, having become united with the ancient substance of Adam's formation, rendered man living and perfect, receptive of the perfect Father, in order that as in the natural [Adam] we all were dead, so in the spiritual we may all be made alive.

2011-9-27 22:22

: Sancti Irenaei, episcopi Lugdunensis, Libros quinque adversus haereses
: page 314, Book V, Chapter 1, (Liber V, Cap I)

: Latin
2. Neque enim esset vere sanguinem et carnem habens, per quam nos redemit, nisi antiquam plasmationem Adae in semetipsum recapitulasset. 

: Greek (original)
2. Ουδε γαρ ην αληθως σαρκα και αιμα εσχηκως, δι ων ημας εξηγορασατο, ει μη την αρχαιαν πλασιν του Αδαμ εις εαυτοω ανεκεφαλαιωσατο.  

: ανεκεφαλαιωσατο

ἀνακεφαλαιόομαι --  to sum up the argument:  ( http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=a%29nakefalaio%2Fomai&la=greek&can=a%29nakefalaio%2Fomai0 )

ἀνακεφαλαιόω  -- to sum up the argument:  ( http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=a%29nakefalaio%2Fw&la=greek&can=a%29nakefalaio%2Fw0&prior=a%29nakefalaio/omai ) (Rom 13:9; Eph 1:10)

2011-9-27 23:19

: Sancti Irenaei, episcopi Lugdunensis, Libros quinque adversus haereses
: page 314, Book V, Chapter 1, (Liber V, Cap I)

: Latin
3. sin in fine Verbum Patris et Spiritus Dei, adunitus antiquae substantiae plasmationis Adae, viventem at perfectum effecit hominem, capientem perfectum Patrem: 

: effecit
http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?effecit )
effec.it             V      3 1 PERF ACTIVE  IND 3 S    
bring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; prove;

: adunitus
http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?adunitus )
unit.us              VPAR   3 4 NOM S M PERF PASSIVE PPL
unite, combine into one;

: Greek

: Latin
1. et ab eo qui habet donationem incorruptibilitatis, in eam quae est ad eum similitudinem facti, (prae destinati quidem, ut essemus qui nondum eramus, secundum praescientiam Patris,) facti autem initium facturae

: facti
http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?facti )
fact.i               VPAR   3 1 NOM P M PERF PASSIVE PPL
make /build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work (metal);
produce; produce by growth; bring forth (young); create, bring into existence; 

fact.i               VPAR   3 3 NOM P M PERF PASSIVE PPL
fio, feri, factus sum  V SEMIDEP    [XXXAO]  
happen, come about; result (from); take place, be held, occur, arise (event);
be made /created/instituted/elected/appointed/given; be prepared/done; develop;

* SEMIDEP:  semi-deponent; a certain voice carries the meaning of a different voice; semi emphasizes that it happens only in a certain tense; for fio, its perfect tense makes its passive voice act as active voice.

2011-11-12 10:58
The Apostolic Father Irenaeus - Against Heresies: Book V, Chapter 1, 

1. by Him also who has the gift of immortality, having been formed after His likeness, and made the first-fruits of creation 
... imparting indeed God to men by means of the Spirit, and, on the other hand, attaching man to God by His own incarnation,
1. et ab eo qui habet donationem incorruptibilitatis, in eam quae est ad eum similitudinem facti,  facti autem initium facturae

2.  unless He had summed up in Himself the ancient formation of Adam . 
2. nisi antiquam plasmationem Adae in semetipsum recapitulasset. 
2. 因为除非祂在自己身上将亚当受造 重演, 

3. so also, in [the times of] the end, the Word of the Father and the Spirit of God, having become united with the ancient substance of Adam's formation, rendered man living and perfect, 
3. sin in fine Verbum Patris et Spiritus Dei, adunitus antiquae substantiae plasmationis Adae, viventem at perfectum effecit hominem, capientem perfectum Patrem: 
3.  照样在这末世,祂 被造成为(produce) 一个有生命而完全的人,能够承受完全的父,这是由于父的道和神的灵与亚当受造的体质结合起来……”

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