Wednesday, November 20, 2013


 2013-7-19 09:21

- Practical Training for Small Groups
written by Tony Payne and Simon Roberts

1. What is the Bible?
2. Why read the Bible?
3. Reading in faith
4. Reading what's there
5. Reading through Jesus
6. Reading for life

1. What is the Bible?Old Testament
1-v1. The holy bookshelf

Major Old Testament groupings:
(1) Law; Torah, 
(2) Historical; former prophets, 
(3) Wisdom Literature, 
(4) Prophets (Major, Minor), 

Major New Testament groupings:
(1) Gospels, 
(2) Acts, 
(3) Letters; Epistles, 
(4) Revelation, 

1-v2. The one word

The Bible is about God himself, his son; all about him. 
One word, one God, one salvation, one story
It is for repentance, obedience, and faith. 

2. Why read the Bible?
2-v1. Why read the Bible?

For wisdom, 

Knowledge of God, 
Knowledge of ourselves
the answer to questions

2-v2. Good reading habits

repeated often

Four tips:
(1) be realistic; not to read too much, 
(2) Have a plan; soak in God's word, 
(3) Stick to it, 
(4) Mix it up; different parts of the Bible, 

3. Reading in faith

3-v1. Reading in faith

humility before the author of universe

The basic Bible reading pattern: 
(1) Pray; face the sin, give thanks, ask for help, 
(2) Read; 
(3) Respond; receive, change, trust, tremble, 

3-v2. COMA - Context

COMA stands for Context, Observation, Meaning, Application

About Context
* story, where to fit, 
- previous parts, 
- collection of books
- one big story
* resources: "Bible Overview;" "New Bible Dictionary,"

4. Reading what's there
4-v1. COMA - Observation

In 'Observation' mode you are looking for: 
(1) What kind of writing is it; genre, 
(2) Look at the important words; important words, connecting words, 
(3) Look for the structure; argument, outline,  
(4) Look for key statement; summary, 

4-v2. Traps to avoid
(1) Under observing, 
(2) Avoid problem, 
(3) Miss connections, 
(4) Overobservation, 

just read as it is there

5. Reading through Jesus
5-v1. Reading through Jesus

The Bible: one book, one story, one author, one word, one God, one salvation; 

Two ways the Old Testament relates to the New: 
(1) Patterns and counter-patterns
(2) Promise and fulfillment

5-v2. COMA - Meaning

Four steps or questions to ask:
(1) What did the original hearers think? 
(2) What general truths does it teach? 
(3) How does it fit into overall message of the Bible?
(4) How could we sum it up? 

6. Reading for life
6-v1. COMA - Application

Six things to remember:
(1) Keep trembling, 
(2) Remember the context, 
(3) Do yu need to change your thinking? 
(4) Do you need to change the way you live? 
(5) How does it lead to thanksgiving and prayer? 
(6) Stick to the meaning, 

6-v2. Reading for life

Three resources
(1) Read together, discuss, 
(2) Plan on; read through the Bible in a period of time, 
(3) "The Daily Reading Bible"

1. What is the Bible?  -- Jesus
2. Why read the Bible?  -- Wisdom
3. Reading in faith  -- Context
4. Reading what's there  -- Keywords
5. Reading through Jesus  -- Meaning
6. Reading for life  -- Application


flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-7-23 02:28
Summary: "Six Steps to Read Your Bible".....
What (all about Jesus), 
Why (knowledge of God and ourselves), 
In faith (humility), 
What there (keywords), 
Though Jesus (patterns and promises), 
For life (change and gratitude)

COMA method of reading: 
Context (previous parts), 
Observation (connecting words, argument), 
Meaning (truths, to the whole Bible), 
Application (fear, thoughts, behaviors)

Genre, or kind of literature: 
Poetry (parallel: AA similar, AB opposite, AB-A reduce, A-AB increase), 
Prose (chaism: ABA, ABBA).
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-7-28 12:20
圣经: 一本书,一个作者,一位神,一个故事,一个信息,一个救恩。
Bible:  One book, one author, one God, one story, one word, one salvation

The basic Bible reading pattern:  读经模式:
(1) Pray, Read, Respond, 祷告,阅读,回应。
(2) In faith, what’s there, through Jesus, for life  谦卑相信,根据文字,连结耶稣,改变生活

如何读经:  前后文,观察,意思,应用。
How to read the Bible:  C.O.M.A., Context, Observation, Meaning, Application
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-7-28 12:22
1. Context 前后文
story, where to fit, 
- previous parts, collection of books, one big story, 
- 前后的字句,段落,章节,书卷。大故事的小插曲,两者的交互作用。

2. Observation 观察
In 'Observation' mode you are looking for: 
(1) What kind of writing is it; genre, 诗体,或散文
(2) Look at the important words; e.g., connecting words, 关键字,重复字,连接词
(3) Look for the structure; argument, outline,  
(4) Look for key statement; summary, 

3. Meaning 意思
Two ways the Old Testament relates to the New: 
(1) Of Jesus, Patterns and counter-patterns  基督的预表和反悖逆。
(2) Of Jesus, Promise and fulfillment  关于基督的预言和应验。

Four steps or questions to ask:
(1) What did the original hearers think? 原始听众的理解
(2) What general truths does it teach? 普世真理
(3) How does it fit into overall message of the Bible? 连结整本圣经
(4) How could we sum it up? 总结

4. Application 应用
Six things to remember:
(1) Keep trembling, 恐惧敬畏
(2) Remember the context, (比较条件的异同)
(3) Do yu need to change your thinking? 改变想法
(4) Do you need to change the way you live? 改变生活
(5) How does it lead to thanksgiving and prayer? 感恩,代祷
(6) Stick to the meaning,

flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-7-28 12:22
(1)同义aa, ab-ac,(2)反义 ab。(3)增减 aA, Aa, 大罪-小罪,(4)长短 ab-a, a-ab。

(a)开始,(b)高潮,(a’)结束。aBa’, abb’a’, abCb’a’。

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