Wednesday, November 20, 2013

杂记 - 脸书 - 2013-08

2013-8-29 01:51


flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:52
10 minutes ago via mobile · Like

1. 多喝水,2. 自制餐點,3. 不貪美食。。許多美食,在網路上都有簡易食譜;其次,太美味的食品通常不健康,少吃(每月或每年一吃)不是不吃。
4 minutes ago · Like

a few seconds ago · Like
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:53
Tom Hsu
Labor Day Retreat, 
[DATE] 8-30 17:30 至 9-1 20:00, 
[PLACE] 111 Lake Gloria Road, Boswell, PA, 
[SPONSOR] China Outreach Ministries, 
[FEES] $130 (registration and transportation)
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · August 20 at 8:41am
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August 20 at 8:45am · Like

August 20 at 8:48am · Like

August 20 at 8:54am · Like

August 20 at 8:56am · Like

The email I sent you has the attachment, which is the brochure of this event. You may find the information you need.
21 hours ago · Like
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:54
August 23 at 12:58pm · Like

August 23 at 1:04pm · Like
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:54
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · August 11 at 9:09am
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August 11 at 9:18am · Like

August 11 at 9:23am · Like
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:55
July 22 at 12:48pm · Like

July 22 at 1:08pm · Like

July 22 at 1:20pm · Like · 1
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:55
Summary: "Six Steps to Read Your Bible".....What (all about Jesus), Why (knowledge of God and ourselves), In faith (humility), What there (keywords), Though Jesus (patterns and promises), For life (change and gratitude)
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 22 at 2:13pm
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COMA method of reading: Context (previous parts), Observation (connecting words, argument), Meaning (truths, to the whole Bible), Application (fear, thoughts, behaviors)
July 22 at 2:17pm · Like

Genre, or kind of literature: Poetry (parallel: AA similar, AB opposite, AB-A reduce, A-AB increase), Prose (chaism: ABA, ABBA).
July 22 at 2:28pm · Like
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:56
Basically, humble, fearing, and trembling are very similar. if purposely, 
(1) humble: my way is better, but I respect God. 
(2) fearing: my way can help God, but somehow it irritates God. 
(3) trembling: God's way is always the best, and my way ends up to misery even if it looks good in the beginning.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 21 at 5:51pm

(1) Sins lead to punishment. 
(2) Obedience leads to sufferings. The consequences of both look similar. 
(1) Sins lead to happiness, and end up to punishment. 
(2) Obedience leads to sufferings, and ends up to blessings.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 21 at 5:48pm
Sharon Zou likes this.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:58
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 14 at 5:12pm
Sharon Zou likes this.

读经三要。(1) 忌沦为知识和论断,(2) 忌失去渴慕和怜悯,(3) 定睛在耶稣,要效法耶稣。
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 14 at 5:09pm


Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 13 at 10:13pm
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Yating Yang likes this.

张牧师在BBN 圣经学院(免费网络学校)有开课,圣经学院/浏览课程/現有進修科目/tabid/2400/Phase/All/Default.aspx,
July 13 at 10:19pm · Like

Summary of Eric's view of health church. 
(1) preach true gospel of the risen Christ, 
(2) teach the Scriptures according to the literal context, 
(3) biblically qualified elders (leaders), 
(4) discipleship; make disciples to obey Christ's commands, 
(5) discipline; be committed and accountable for behaviors; * things not covered, prayer, worship, evangelism, mutual love.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · July 8 at 1:09pm
Zhaoyang Chen, Yating Yang and 4 others like this.
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:59
June 14 at 12:37pm · Like

Gretta Lau 嗯,确实是人不能掌控的。好像司布真和马丁路得都有过抑郁症,所以,我想,神的恩典胜过这个疾病,而且,苦难会变成祝福的,有一天。
June 14 at 11:29pm · Like

June 15 at 9:40pm · Like · 1
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 01:59
June 8 at 9:01am · Like

June 8 at 9:12am · Like

June 8 at 9:30am · Like · 1

flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-8-29 02:01
Eva is wright about Matt 5. Jesus did not mention the poor, but the poor in heart.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · Share · May 18 at 7:13pm
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Tianyue Wu Thanks Tom for clarifying! I listened to 康来昌's preach and he specifically clarified this point. "Poor in spirit" means that we desire Him and realize that we are lacking.
May 18 at 8:38pm · Like

I do not agree with Kang. I believe that eight beatitudes are about persecution of God's messengers, which follows eight beatitudes. The sermon on the mount has a theme like: the life of the prophet.
May 18 at 8:48pm · Like

Linda Zhao The beatitudes begin the “Sermon on the Mount.” The qualities described in the Beatitudes give a picture of the character of the true people of God, those who are a part of his kingdom and have the full blessings of the kingdom to look forward to. Taken together they give the picture of the perfect disciple of Christ who is the heir of the promises. Jesus does not here tell people how to attain these qualities; that will come in subsequent teachings.
May 19 at 1:04pm · Like

Linda Zhao I checked on commentaries and expositions on the Beatitudes from different reliable sources, which basically have similar understanding of the meaning of the beatitudes. As for those who are "poor in heart," it is widely agreed that it refers to those who are humble before God, and thus come to Jesus as hopeless and helpless sinners.
May 19 at 1:14pm · Like

5:12-13 concludes 5:2b-11; 5:16b concludes 5:14-16a.
May 24 at 2:27pm · Like

CORRECTION= 5:11-12 concludes 5:2b-10; 5:16b concludes 5:13-16a.
May 24 at 2:33pm · Like

5:3, poor = needed (physically); 5:4, mourn = for lost (or sins); 5:5, meek = submitted, kind; 5:6, hunger and thirst = of food and water; 5:7, merciful = giving, raising;..... I do believe that troubles will lift up during ministry. Sometimes we just see no standards and directions during difficulties, we find that we become needy and in want.
May 24 at 3:12pm · Like

5:5, meek means to continue the ministry; 5:7, merciful means to give (from nowhere); 5:8, pure means clean from sin or doubt, i.e., faithful; 5:9, peacemakers mean bridge from sinners to God;..... as a result of ministry, it leads to persecution in 5:10-11. Notice that the poor in spirit have the same reward with the persecuted for righteousness, the kingdom of heaven. Righteousness is the cause of the persecuted, and the purpose of the hungry and thirsty.
May 24 at 3:25pm · Like

Therefore, the poor in spirit are not those hopeless sinners, but those pilgrims toward the temple of God. Of course, we have to acknowledge our hopeless and lacking status. However, the theme of the Sermon on the Mount is the daily life of a God-fearing person, rather than a sinner turns to God for help and salvation.
May 24 at 3:36pm · Like

Devotion is a post-salvation behaviors, following the new genuine nature. The theme of the four Gospels is who Jesus is and why Jesus died. Jesus did not just die for salvation but also restoration (healing), to restore the broken relationship as well as the lost righteous behaviors.
May 24 at 3:46pm · Like

principle #1, interpret the passage within context, related and restricted.
May 25 at 7:47pm · Like

Linda Zhao As I mentioned in my posts, they were NOT from my personal interpretations; instead, they are a summary based on the well-known expositions of the Beatitudes from highly regarded Christian ministers and commentators including Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary (see I doubt if they were ignorant of the above-mentioned principle in their work of interpreting and explaining the message of the Scriptures.

Matthew Henry Beatitudes
Matthew Henry Beatitudes
May 26 at 2:45am · Like

It is about how the Bible says instead of what they said. Their commentaries are precious, but I would like to see how the verses are put together. I prefer the theory, to read the Bible as a book.
May 27 at 11:59pm · Like

May 28 at 7:38am · Like

每日研经丛书:希伯来文中的贫穷是描述谦卑无助,完全信靠 神的人。
May 28 at 7:41am · Like

Calvin's: Matthew, by adding an epithet, confines the happiness to those only who, under the discipline of the cross, have learned to be humble.
May 28 at 7:50am · Like

John Wesley's: The poor in spirit - They who are unfeignedly penitent, they who are truly convinced of sin;
May 28 at 8:02am · Like

Family Bible: Poor in spirit ; ...more especially those who feel their need, as sinners, of spiritual blessings,
May 28 at 8:03am · Like

In commentaries, poor in spirit: (1) humble from human pride, (2) humble for sins, (3) humble for persecuted faith.
May 28 at 8:08am · Like

Ps 35:10 My whole being will exclaim, 
“Who is like you, Lord? 
You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, 
the poor and needy from those who rob them.”
May 28 at 9:36am · Like

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