Saturday, November 23, 2013

基督教 - 以色列人在埃及

2013-3-8 08:38 

* 以色列人在埃及


Covenant theory, Jews and the Nordics , page 1 
17 posts - 10 authors - Apr 13, 2008 
One of the Semitic hyksos leaders who became king of Egypt was Yakubher, since Yakubher is the Aramean name for Jacob. Egyptology ... 

The five Hyksos kings/administrators in Egypt - Topix 
Feb 23, 2012 – Hyksos king Yakubher reigning at Avaris in Amenemhet III's reign 1685-1640 B.C. Yakubher name =(Yakov/Yakub/Jacob)reigns after Jacob ... 

* Khnum-hotep amu 

A history of Egypt under the Pharaohs: derived entirely from the ... - Volume 1 - Page 155 - Google Books Result 
Egypt Under the Pharaohs: A History Derived Entirely from the ... - Page 177 - Google Books Result 
International Dictionary of Historic Places: Middle East and Africa - Volume 4 - Page 124 - Google Books Result 

埃及简简史(15/41)— 第二中间期(13-17王朝)(1759-1539BC) - 埃中文化 ... › ... › 论坛首页 › 古埃及历史 - Translate this page 
Sep 13, 2010 – PS:原文发布于touregypt,为了便于大家了解埃及而进行了翻译,最终的翻译 ... 的国王统治了284年,这些国王被称为的“牧人王”或喜克索斯人国王(Hyksos)。 ..... 这个名字是为了纪念圣经中的雅各(Jacob)这一说法也让人很难拒绝。 

舉目 > 2005年舉目 (17-20) > 第十七期 (2005-03) > 約瑟與以色列人在埃及 

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