Friday, November 22, 2013


 2013-3-27 05:18 


- you come to join-get trained, i come to recruit-train; 
- we need each other, but we both need God;
- bible study, evangelism;  congregation, board; 
- gospel, bible, church;  caring, ministry;

- 教会,不是宗教集会,而是教导会众。
- 召会,不是被召出来,而是被集合起来,集合起来做争战。

- 不是俱乐部,不是夜总会。
- 是训练中心,是职业介绍。

- church= gather,, worship, training,  caring..
- church= separation,, selection from them, sending from me,  accompany.. (3-24 09:44)

- communion= spiritually, physically;  life, food;  satisfy..
- evangelism.. who I am, what I am committed to (3-21 01:58) 

- faith, obedience, care (3-21 01:15) 
- teaching, serving, offering (3-21 01:45) 
- saved, learned, disciplined (3-21 01:49) 
- vision, gentle, organized (3-21 11:46)

- christian= conform,, vision, mission, instruction.. (3-24 07:01)
- christian= fight,, escape, chase, serve.. (3-24 07:01)
- christian= delivery,, carry over, proclaim, give away.. (3-24 09:44)

- 祷告。人三心两意,说了才算。说了后,不管有意无意、是对是错,都成了根据。 (3-22 05:03)
- 祷告,求的是神的(善)意,不是人的(恶)意成全。求的是人的改变,不是神的改变。 (3-22 05:05)
- prayer= confess, glorify, bless.. (3-24 06:58)
- prayer= praise, gratitude, appeal.. (3-24 07:00)
- prayer.. confess my status, glorify His grace, bless their needs (3-21 02:00)



釋經 Hermeneutics= theory from text to message delivery、
解經 Exegesis= method from text to original meaning、
闡釋 Exposition= from meaning to explanation and application

解經 exegesis= what it means to original readers, 
靈修 devotion= what it means to me, 
講道 preaching= what it means to you (3-23 00:16)

释经(Hermeneutics)= 确定经文意义的原则、
解经(exegesis)= 历史及文学中的意义、
讲道(homiletics)= 在讲台上传达意思、
教授(pedagogy)= 在课室中传达意思、 (3-23 00:27)


- teaching= read bible, substitute.. explain bible, god interfere..
- teaching= stir up passion, filled by spirit;




- 例行查经。。延伸到:探访,协谈。

* 个人

- 成长。。
- - (1) 被邀请、被安慰、被帮助。
- - (2) 被教导、参与、协助。
- - (3) 带领、策划。

- 自己-感恩。。福音、圣经、教义-信仰-神学。
- 对人-有用。。关怀、事奉、使命-呼召。
- 造就-查经。。解经、备课、查经、探访-造就。
- - 罪人-神-圣经(望)、福音-基督-信心(信)、关怀-事奉-教会(爱)。

experience God; walk with God; trust in God; 最难的事,莫过于控制自己的情绪。
- right and wrong, pride and shame;  should or not (3-21 01:35)
- smile-faith, wait-hope, gentle-love (3-21 01:36)
- try, change, seek; (3-21 01:38)
- confess, example;  rules?, needs (3-21 01:40)


flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-3-27 05:18
? promote a program/activity
flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-3-27 05:20

encourage, train, send out;  for mission
organize, plan, forgive;  as community

flicker 彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big 2013-3-27 05:20
why christianity?
- quest, argue, reasoning; 
- experience;  life tests bible, then bible tests life;  
- solve problems, shape life, care others;

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