Friday, November 22, 2013

福音 2013 a 整理中

2013-5-14 22:25


* 2012-2-16 22:22

Matt = 
* 亞伯拉罕生以撒 * 雅各生約瑟,耶穌是從馬利亞*生的
亞伯拉罕 - 大衛 - 所羅門 - 羅波安 - 
希西家 - 瑪拿西 - 亞們 - 約西亞 - 耶哥尼雅* 
- 撒拉鐵 - 所羅巴伯 - 亞比玉 - 以利亞敬

Luke = 
* 以撒是亞伯拉罕的兒子 * 依人看來,他是約瑟的兒子
亞伯拉罕 - 大衛 - 拿單 - 瑪達他 - 
以摩當 - 哥桑 - 亞底 - 麥基 - 尼利 
- 撒拉鐵 - 所羅巴伯 - 利撒 - 約亞拿

* 2012-2-16 22:51



* 2012-2-16 22:54





* 2012-2-17 02:35



96. Let us dispatch, then, that passage also, which they do use to misrepresent,— let them learn what is the sense of the words, "The Lord created Me." It is not "the Father created," but "the Lord created Me." The flesh acknowledges its Lord, praise declares the Father: our created nature confesses the first, loves, knows the latter. Who, then, cannot but perceive that these words announce the Incarnation? Thus the Son speaks of Himself as created in respect of that wherein he witnesses to Himself as being man, when He says, "Why do you seek to kill Me, a man, Who have told you the truth?" He speaks of His Manhood, wherein He was crucified, and died, and was buried.

96. Facessat igitur et illud, de quo calumniari solent, et discant, quemadmodum dictum sit: Dominus creauit me. Non dixit "pater creauit me", sed dominus creauit me. Caro dominum agnoscit, gloria patrem signat, creatura nostra dominum confitetur, caritas patrem nouit. Itaque quis ignoret quia ob causam incorporationis hoc dicitur? In eo igitur se creatum dicit, in quo et hominem testificatur dicens: Quid me quaeritis occidere hominem, in quo et crucifixus et mortuus et sepultus est. 

* 2012-2-17 02:35



7. It was a bodily weakness, then, that is to say, a weakness of ours, that He hungered; when He wept, and was sorrowful even unto death, it was of our nature. Why ascribe the properties and incidents of our nature to the Godhead? That He was even, as we are told, "made," is a property of a body. Thus, indeed, we read: "Sion our mother shall say: 'He is a man,' and in her He was made man, and the Most High Himself laid her foundations." "He was made man," mark you, not "He was made God."

7. Corporis est igitur, hoc est nostrum est, quod esuriuit, nostrum est, quod fleuit, quod tristis fuit usque ad mortem. Cur ad diuinitatem, quae sunt nostra, referuntur? Corporis est, quod etiam factus adseritur; denique sic habes: Mater Sion, dicet homo, et homo factus est in ea, et ipse fundauit eam altissimus. Homo, inquit, factus est, non "deus factus est". 

* 2012-2-17 02:35



27. Indeed, in what sense He was "made" He has declared by the mouth of the holy patriarch, saying: "For My soul is filled with sorrow to overflowing, and My life has drawn near unto hell. I have been counted with them that go down into the pit; I have been made as a man free, without help, among the dead." Here, then, we read: "I have been made as a man," not "I have been made as God;" and again: "My soul overflows with sorrows." "My soul," mark you, not "My Godhead." He was "made" in so far as that was concerned wherein He was due to hell, wherein He was reckoned with others, for the Godhead admits of no likeness which may be ground for classing it with others. Yet mark how the majesty of Godhead shows itself in Christ, even in that flesh which was appointed to death. Although He was "made" as a man, and "made" as flesh, yet He was made free among the dead, "free, without help."

27. In quo autem "factus" sit, per os sancti patriarchae locutus adseruit dicens: Quia repleta est malis anima mea et uita mea in inferno adpropiauit. Aestimatus sum cum descendentibus in lacum. Factus sum sicut homo sine adiutorio inter mortuos liber. Et hic sicut homo, inquit, non sicut deus factus sum et repleta est malis anima mea, anima utique, non diuinitas. "Factus" est in eo, in quo erat infernis debitus, factus est in eo, in quo cum aliis aestimatus est. Diuinitas enim similitudinem conlationis abiurat. Et tamen in ipsa carne morti obnoxia maiestatem aduerte diuinitatis in Christo: etsi factus est sicut homo et sicut caro factus est, factus est tamen inter mortuos liber et liber sine adiutorio. 

* 2012-2-17 02:35



34. We have learned, then, that He was made man, and that His being made must be referred to His manhood. Furthermore, in another passage of Scripture, you may read: "Who was made for Him of the seed of David," Romans 1:3 that is to say, in respect of the flesh He was "made" of the seed of David, but He was God begotten of God before the worlds.

34. Didicimus igitur "factum" esse hominem et ad hominem hoc esse referendum. Denique et alibi habes: Qui factus est ex semine Dauid. Secundum carnem utique ex semine Dauid factus est, deus autem ante saecula ex deo natus est. 

* 2012-2-17 02:35



62. Before all created things, then, is the Son begotten; within all and for the good of all is He made; begotten of the Father, above the Law, Mark 2:28 brought forth of Mary, under the Law. Galatians 4:4

62. Ante omnia ergo generatio, inter omnia et propter omnia creatura, natus ex patre supra legem, "factus ex Maria sub lege". 

* 2012-2-17 02:35



81. Finally, the Apostle himself says to the Philippians, that "being made in the likeness of man, and found in outward appearance as a man, He humbled Himself, being made obedient even unto death." Philippians 2:7-8 Mark that, in regard whereof He is "made," He is made, the Apostle says, in the likeness of man, not in respect of Divine Sovereignty, and He was made obedient unto death, so that He displayed the obedience proper to man, and obtained the kingdom appertaining of right to Godhead.

81. Postremo ipse apostolus ad Philippenses ait quia in similitudine hominis factus et specie inuentus ut homo humiliauit semet ipsum factus oboediens usque ad mortem. Vide ubi factus sit! In similitudine, inquit, hominis, non in potestate dei, et factus oboediens usque ad mortem, ut oboedientiam quidem hominis habuerit, regnum diuinitatis. 

* 2012-2-17 02:35



82. How many passages need we cite further in evidence that His "being made" must be understood with reference to His Incarnation, or to some particular dispensation? Now whatsoever is made, the same is also created, for "He spoke and they were made; He gave also the word, and they were created." "The Lord created me." These words are spoken with regard to His Manhood; and we have also shown, in our First Book, that the word "created" appears to have reference to the Incarnation.

82. Quantis igitur adhuc utemur exemplis ad incarnationem uel ad aliquid referendum esse, quod "factus est"? Quod autem factum est, idem est et creatum. Dixit enim et facta sunt, mandauit et creata sunt. "Creatum" quoque supra ostendimus in libro primo de incarnatione dictum uideri.

* 2012-2-17 03:03




你要注意,不是"我的神性"。他"被造"factus所关乎的乃是就他临近阴间所言,就他与别人算在一起所言,而神性决不允许任何跟别人算为一类的相似性作理由。然而注意神性的尊贵如何在基督里自我显示,甚至显示在注定死亡的肉身里。尽管他"被造"factus为人,"被造"factus为肉身,但是他factus 在死人中有自由,"不靠帮助的自由"。(同上,269-270页)

- 他"被造"factus所关乎的乃是就他临近阴间所言,就他与别人算在一起所言,
- "Factus" est in eo, in quo erat infernis debitus, factus est in eo, in quo cum aliis aestimatus est.  
- He was "made" in so far as that was concerned wherein He was due to hell, wherein He was reckoned with others, 

* 2012-2-17 03:03






* 2012-2-18 21:40

在文法上,比喻的说法是很管用的。基督是受造的,故此基督是受造物。但在神学上, 文法是丝毫不能帮助的 。

In grammatica analogia optime valet: Christus est creatus. Ergo Christus est creatura. 
In theologia nihil minus valet. 
In grammar, analogy works very well:  Christ is created.  Therefore Christ is a creature.  But in theology, nothing is more useless.

* 2012-2-18 22:12
These statements are different: 
"the Word was made (into) flesh," 
"the Word was made," 
"the flesh was made."

Do not follow people's thoughts without telling differences.

* 2012-2-19 18:49

three untreated elements

But we must, on the other hand, refute the delirium, or the diabolical madness of that caviller, Servetus, who imagined that Christ was from the beginning an angel, as if he was a phantom, and a distinct person, having an essence apart from the Father; for he says, that he was formed from three untreated elements. This diabolical conceit ought to be wholly discarded by us. But Christ, though he was God, was also a Mediator; and as a Mediator, he is rightly and fitly called the angel or the messenger of God, for he has of his own accord placed himself between the Father and men.
~ Hosea 12:3-5 ~ Calvin's Commentaries, Vol. 26: Hosea

Paul does further by these words not only declare that Christ had real flesh, but he also clearly distinguishes his human from his divine nature; and thus he refutes the impious raving of Servetus , who assigned flesh to Christ, composed of three untreated elements.
~ Romans 1:13 ~ Commentary on Romans

5. But in our age, also, has arisen a not less fatal monster, Michael Servetus, who for the Son of God has substituted a figment composed of the essence of God, spirit, flesh, and three untreated elements. First, indeed, he denies that Christ is the Son of God, for any other reason than because he was begotten in the womb of the Virgin by the Holy Spirit. 
~ Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 2 Chapter 14

* 2012-2-20 18:12


     其实都是说明 mean nothing else than that 
     (中文翻译漏翻了一句:他有受造物)he has a creature
     基督是受造物取了受造之人的样式(英文是:人样的受造物), or has assumed a human creature, 
     或者更直截了当说,or, what is simplest, 
     既然这些说法都是指基督的人性就是一个受造物,the humanity of Christ is a creature,

* 2012-3-8 01:18


    祂把我们的身体当作祂自己的,并从女人生为人,并没有抛弃祂之为神的存在,...这也是圣教父们所坚持的;故此他们才敢 称圣童女为神的母亲,


    好叫圣童女能够正正确的被称为基督的母亲,而 不是神的母亲。

* 2012-3-13 01:33


同性恋的父母是异性恋,同性恋的孩子来自异性恋。 (3-10 05:36)
如果半个国家都是同性恋,异性恋势必割舍自己的孩子,势必有破碎的婚姻,才能够维持同性恋的人口。 (3-10 05:39)
如果整个国家都是同性恋,过了三、四代后就亡族、亡国。 (3-10 05:39)
借腹生子,女性成为二等公民。 (3-10 21:44)
总之,都是人工生殖、科学技术,就等着人造人的技术,或许可以借动物生殖。 (3-10 22:07)
男性同性恋势必借腹生子,借腹生子当中的产妇心理、道德、法律目前都还是个争议。 (3-10 05:46)
精子筛选法,虽然准确率达到80-90%,还是有个万一,胚胎筛选还是免不了。 (3-10 21:54)
植入前遗传学诊断,对一两个胚胎细胞必须在48小时以内进行检测,这样胚胎在第五天就可以被移植。 (3-10 21:54)
荧光原位杂交,可以在4到6小时内完成。这些dna小针在粘到染色体上就会亮光。每一颗小针会亮出不同的荧光,这样可以在同时探测很多个染色体。 (3-10 21:56)
X精子和Y精子非常相似,现今科技不可将它们完全分开。 (3-10 21:57)
“FISH”技术(Flourescence in situ hybridization)可从细胞中辨认X ,Y,13,18和21染色体。 (3-10 21:57)
自然受孕的情况之下,约有55%的机率是男生,而精子分离之机率约66%。 (3-10 21:59)

* 2012-3-13 01:34


为了找恢复本翻译问题,查阅老旧的贴文。竟然看到2000-2003几乎都在讨论耶稣被造。 (3-2 11:27)
2000/1/17 提倡貼文的自律運動 (3-2 11:30)
2000/7/29 歌羅西書1:15下段中所有格用法涵義的討論 (3-2 11:33)
2002/8/30 神成為人,為要使人在生命與性情上成為神 (3-2 11:36)
2003/1/15 “因為子在地上是人,所以可以說子也是被造的。” (3-2 11:49)
2003/4/12 版規修訂本 (3-2 11:53)
2001/8/30  RE:受造之物的首生者 (3-2 12:09)
2003/3/28 RE:“神成爲人,人成爲神”符合聖經嗎? (3-2 12:11)

* 2012-3-23 21:05
1. 为什么基督徒对于祖先牌位有负面的态度?

2. 祖先牌位的作用是什么?

3. 为什么佛教徒会坚持祖先牌位?

4. 基督徒如何参与或筹备非基督徒的婚礼?

* 2012-4-26 00:22

- 信者,知罪,认罪。知罪而不认罪者,拒绝而取灭亡。

- 主去罪刑,非去罪性。
- 立意犯罪,不曾认罪。神召人成圣,遠罪。
- 罪中有恩,恩中有榮。

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