Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to prepare a Bible study

I. Share some experience in the place of teaching:

Step 1:  If I did not prepare, I have nothing to tell, and time moves as a turtle.
Step 2:  If I prepared, I do not have enough time to finish my note.
            SOLUTION:  Highlight the point statements, and circle the (only) main idea
Step 3:  if I am telling my note, I find that:
            (a) I do not like my note, or
            (b) I do not know where I am on my note.
            SOLUTION:  (a) Be message-oriented; forget the note;  (b) Practice ahead
Step 4:  If I am challenged, there is a long debate.
            SOLUTION:  cut down the debatedirectly
            because the message and the teaching outline comes first, and time matters.
Step 5: If I am challenged, I do not have no answer.
            SOLUTION:  Let the experienced believers answer;
            be honest and promise to send your answer in five days

IV. For new believers,

Read the passage 10 times before pondering and realizing it.
- Read 20 times for the regular believers to begin to see the sketch of passage
Ponder the passage in four perspectives: God, sinner, church, serving.
Pray for understanding and a holy heart.
III. The significance of the message

What-it-is-about is more important than what-it-is.
Leave what-it-is to the discussion time.
People look for what-then, the next stage of what-it-is-about.

It is not about the meaning of the passage.
It is about the application of the passage, the massage.
It is not about the correctness of the message.
It is about the external source and internal logic of the message.
It is not about what happened to them.
it is about what will happen or has happened to us.
It is not about how they experienced.
It is about how we experienced, or we can and we may.

Spend time to find the main idea after listing those points.
Spend time to re-arrange the outline to make it clear and simple.
Spend time to pursue the logic of the outline.
Spend time to find the supports for the outline from the passage

First, find the points from the passage.
Second, organize points into the outline with the theme.
Third, check the outline with the passage.


V. To understand the Bible and Christian belief

The Bible is written by men and records the revelations of God.
The Bible records the actions and plan of how God saves sinners.
It is not about why men became sinners.
It is about what a sinner men are.
It is not about a theory or model of man's history and future.
It is about the only ultimate solution of man's problems.

The faith of the salvation made on the cross is the only key to salvation.
The salvation is made of past atonement, present sanctification, and future glorification.
The saved have two roles:
passively being transformed by the Holy Spirit,
actively witnessing Christ with submission and growth.
The church should gather, teach, and praise in Jesus, the future king.
The major difference between believer and unbeliever is the hope in Jesus.

VI. Questions happen to the faith

Believe in Jesus,
Submit oneself (totally as goal),
Learn more (on God and the world),
Understand in practice (rather than in experience);

Be joyful for the glory of being chosen by God,
Be persistent in the spiritual war (just hand on though seeming hopeless),
Take easy with your weaknesses, for which it is why you need to be saved,

Reply the challenge : A believer, it is who you are.
Answer the question : We are sinners.

II. Regarding the outline,
     the example of revision

Version 1.

保守你的心, 4:21-41
1. 怎样的心?
2. 耕耘你的心
3. 你心的方向?
4. 固守你的心


Version 2a.

Subject : 心
Topic : 保守你的心, 4:21-41
1. 保守明白的心 : 用大量器
2. 浇灌你的心 : 让它成长
3. 保守你的方向 : 顺其自然
4. 考验你的心 : 不怕风浪

Version 2b.

保守你的心, 4:21-41
1. 保守你的明白 : 用大量器
2. 保守你的成长 : 浇灌耕耘
3. 保守你的方向 : 顺其自然
4. 保守你的信心 : 不怕风浪

Version 3.

保守你的心, 4:21-41
1. 打开你的心 : 走出大门
2. 实践你的心 : 迈步奔腾
3. 宽广你的心 : 包容众多
4. 安定你的心 : 紧跟耶稣


Version 4.

x1. 天国的传扬,4:1-20
1. 比喻 : 撒种在四种土
    - 不结实  
2. 不明白 : 神国的奥秘
3. 讲解 : 神的道在四种人
    - 不明白的原因

.x2. 天国的特色, 4:21-34
1. 宣扬 : 向外
2. 成长 : 内在
3. 包容 : 多元

y1. 使者的难题,4:35-5:20
1. 风浪 : 自然,有形
2. 群鬼 : 灵界,无型
3. 乡民 : 罪人

y2. 使者的得胜,5:21-43
1. 病女 : 绝症
2. 死女 : 死亡


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