2013-6-11 03:51
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- The book style of Bible study is to have an overview of structure and intentions of the book. For significance of words the simple explanation is good enough. Looking up the related passages is suitable as explaining the point made in the main text and its context.
The topic style of Bible study is to look up and categorize the related passages. Narrowing down the application ranger is necessary. According to the principle of literal interpretation, the meaning of a passage or point should be restricted by means of the context.
Teaching a lesson should structure the points, control the timing, and make application. (1) To structure the points is to address the points, form or follow the main idea, and make sub-conclusions all the way. The teacher should take a pause to recall the purpose, or point out the goal. (2) The teacher should be disciplined to the teaching plan, and avoid adding too much additions or becoming a personal counselor regardless of the rest of class. (3) The teacher should relate the passages to points, points to life applications. A good application is fit to the theme of the studied passage or the lesson.
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- 整理资料,他们是如何被放在一起、被组织起来。字词组成句子,句子组成段落;重点引到主题,教导引到救恩。
Organize: how they work together: words into sentence, sentences into paragraph; points into main idea, teachings into salvation.
Details: to get enough background information, arrange the found information, define the limitations and relationships.
More than showing the riches, show the order, priority, first step, current phase, cause, purpose, or result, to give some concept of structure or procedure.
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- we need to focus on the topics of the handout and the main text from the book of Romans. Spend time in meditating how they work together and how they rearrange our life.
we need to know what we want the class to remember and be impacted. The problem is not what to present but how to shape their understanding. The dialogues (question and answer, oral quizzes) are a tool to communicate both understanding.
we need to stay in the theme.
Of course, we should organize the materials in advance (what are more important, what is the most important), plan the teaching paces in advance (what is my belief, what they should know this time), and examine them with the theme of the series and the Bible.
However, stay with the most important part (the theme) of this time, and shape this (mostly grace, just in a different aspect) to fit to their heart.
have a feedback time in which we answer their questions and also are to ensure if they got and understood our message. I prefer a fun workshop style.
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- In the class
- we have to pay attention to priorities.
- People take turn to deal with different questions and different passages. It is not necessary for all of them to deal with the same issues at the same time, but some of them, two or three.
- to divide people into small groups is another method.
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- leader
= balance, adjustment, challenge,
= vision, authority;
= deployment, evaluation;
= rhythm, joy (ending, middle), drill;
= story, encouragement, goal;
= transform, private coach,
= truth, direction, wisdom (choice, attitude);
= discipline, involvement, compassion
= practice, digestion;
= discern, try, commit
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- 为什么查经
- 求蒙福,治病,顺心
- 秘诀,圣经,成了知识
- 论断,自大(敬虔,属灵),假虎威
- 犯罪,审判,受苦(因信,为义),相爱(仇敌,寡孤)
- 求神迹,剩约拿,传道中
- 知识,神迹,国度
- 教会,差派,宣判-公义
- 愤怒,淫乱,传舌
- 见证,分别(分辨,自清),聚会
- 个人,社会,教会(第三)
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- 寫作技巧:重視打包。
1. 即使主題很廣,也要主動縮小應用範圍和對象,才不會失焦。
2. 結論要回應引言,引言限定了本文的方向和範圍。
3. 段落的標題限定了段落內容,段落的第一句話也限定了段落內容。
4. 提出一個重點後,要解釋,也要有應用。
5. 應用要選擇,要配合主題,避免一個重點成了一個獨立的主題。
6. 一個重點分了多個小點,應該做個小結,鞏固重點。
7. 一個重點在結束時,應該做個轉折,鞏固主題。
8. 引言要點出重要性和展望性,重點要有新奇感和衝擊力。
1. 禱告的類別(新知,整理)--大家都有
2. 禱告的特色(洞察,考察)--獨家報導
3. 現今的錯誤(應用,激發)--實用價值
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