2012-3-16 08:29
1. 閱讀。
2. 寫作。
3. 記憶。
1. 閱讀。
2. 寫作。
3. 記憶。
- Big
- * tell a story, from the first person view
- who, where
- START: what wrong, how to fix
- JOURNEY: what steps, where else
- SUB-STORIES: who else, what else
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- * tell a story, from the third person view
- characters to compete, contrast
- - COMPETE: good vs evil; able vs unable
- - HERO: characteristics-traits; charm
- START: subject to progress or achieve-learn
- - plot; lesson
- JOURNEY: theme of tensions and solutions
- - DOWN: danger, difficulty-barrier; choice, sacrifice
- - UP: luck-helper, skill-wisdom; change, growth
- END: ending with surprise
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- * speech
- subject/term, topic/phrase
- introduction/significance,
- - limit the range, point the direction
- theme:
- - theme question;
- - thesis/solution, or statement/appeal
- points:
- - answer, explain, example(s), application
- - transitions: re-state previous, re-direct to next
- conclusion/appeal
* subject, theme, appeal
- denominations
- denominationism destroys the unity of the church
- what functions of denominations
- denominations correct wrong-doing, study the Bible, propose solutions
- we should find wrong-doing of our church, if grasp the function of denomination
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- * persuasion
- step A: what, see, show
- - item to sell
- - audience to buy
- - speaker's appearance
- step B: know, match
- - audience's needs, wants, mentality
- - product's ability
- step C: limit, sell
- - offer two selections
* mentality
- seller
- - STRENGTH: other buyers
- - FOCUS: its wanted function/fashion, related products
- - TIPS: I try, we lose, at your expected
- - WIN-WIN: if sold/need and costly/promotion
- - it must go
- buyer
- - STRENGTH: money is mine
- - FOCUS: bargain only; need only, no extension
- - TIPS: no hurry, walk away
- - WIN-WIN: if sold/commission and cheap/return
- - value? only at use, not at price
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- * writing
- outline, reduce, expand
- revise, duplicate, surprise
- trait, expression, surprise
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- * novel
- narrow down attributes, inflate some attribute(s);
- opposite:
- - normal > abnormal: smart <> fool, able <> unable;
- - change in time: smart > fool, replaced by new or main character;
- - change the performer from the original;
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- 剧评
- 剧情简介,精彩片断,缺点和改进
- 简化,
- 强化
-- 反差,
-- 美学 -- - 专业,情感。
- 教育化
-- 段落道理,
-- 宗教思维 -- - 因果,是非。
- 贫困,意外,权势。攻残。
- 生旦丑,蜕变。冲纯蠢毒智。
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- 编剧
- 角色
- 地点
- 剧情
-- 发展
-- - 障碍,克星
-- -- 残忍,霸权,阴谋。下毒。
-- -- 往事。错误-贪婪,道义,债务。
-- -- 难题,两难。
-- - 转战 -- -- 题外话。人,地,物。
-- - 卓越,巧合
-- -- 声东击西,误导人,众人皆笨
-- -- 梦境法宝,唯独我,我能我知
-- -- 歪打正着
-- 结局
-- 教育性
-- - 名言,术语
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- 主题,要一贯到最后。
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- 动作片 - 打斗 - 练武,比武,报仇。
爱情片 - 吵架 - 反对,焦虑,守护。
喜剧片 - 出糗 - 脱线,自赏,幸运。
伦理片 - 悲情 - 不幸,忍痛,可喜。
侦探片 - 斗智 - 断索,误判,推理。
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- 記憶:
- 回顧,連貫,定位。
- 理解,規則。管理-組織,調整-挑錯。
- 影像,特色,組合人(組合金剛)。
- - 形,色,體,位。聲,味,嗅,用。
- 波動,圖像,關鍵。
彩虹炫 | 编辑 删除Big
- 人:簡化-定調,誇大-特色,轉嫁-對比。
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